Home Internet How to do Set up Linksys Extender for Best WiFi Signals

How to do Set up Linksys Extender for Best WiFi Signals

by Soft2share.com

While our existing WiFi router usually has more than enough reach to fill a building or small house with WiFi, it may not have the internet range to cover a larger home or area. Certainly, dead spots will crop up in a larger home that gets in the way of relaxing with a Netflix movie on your favorite chair or couch, listening to Spotify while barbecuing on the porch and providing guests in the top-floor bedroom with fast and furious internet access. However, Linksys extender setup can help to fill in the gaps by taking your router’s existing WiFi signals and rebroadcasting a fresh signal that is aimed at providing internet access to dead zones of your home or apartment.

Nowadays, Linksys WiFi range extenders have gotten cheaper and easier to use, they still can be very tricky to configure and set up.

Now, we present before you five tips and tricks for range extenders that will help you get the internet range all over the house – that too without any fear of signal breakage.

  1. Position, Position, Position

Where you place your extender is key to its success, so keep an open and relax mind and be ready to move your Linksys device around in case the results are disappointing. First of all, let us start with a floor plan or sketch of your abode marked with the main router’s location, AC outlets and dead zones.

After that, look for a power outlet that is roughly halfway between the router and where you want to connect to Linksys extender. Plug in the WiFi device and follow the directions for linking it with your existing router.

Once it is operating, go to the dead zone and see if it’s been enlivened with WiFi or not. The right placement of your extender will also help you in accessing extender.linksys web address without any error messages.

  1. Hide and Seek

If you can’t find a suitable location to place your range extender, you can use an AC extension cord to get the Linksys device to where it works the best without any issue.

The best location to place your device is on the top bookshelf or an armoire away from electronic and kitchen appliances. Also, you are not supposed to cover it behind or back anything.

Did your extender have removable antennas? If yes, then swap them for higher gain in order to enhance their sensitivity. Straight-vertical is the best position for your Linksys WiFi range extender. Once done, try accessing extender.linksys.com web address.

  1. Upstairs and Downstairs

If you have a single-floor apartment or a ranch house, then you should be home-free dear users. However, during Linksys extender router login, below the router or a floor above such as for a attic or basement, you are supposed to take account of the building materials that can absorb part of wireless signals like steel and plaster in your ceilings and floors, doors, walls, meal and electronic appliances, etc.

You can solve this by moving your range extender to another place which is away from the interference-creating objects that put a big impact on wireless signals. Actually, it works best in multi-story situations if the Linksys device and the existing router are almost below or above each other.

  1. Within the Way

When selecting a place to spot your location, avoid placing it near to objects that absorb or reflect the signals like walls, closet, masonry support, large piece of metals, mirrors, etc.

Another giant disruptor of range extenders that interference a lot with WiFi signals that cause errors while linksys is stray radio-frequency signals. Here, the most important and chief culprits are baby monitors, refrigerators, cordless phones, microwave ovens and even Bluetooth speakers.

  1. What’s there in a Name

During Linksys extender login and setup, you have to decide whether you want to keep the login credentials (username and password) as default or change them according to your preferences. Changing the login details will help you and your WiFi devices be safe and away from unauthorized access caused by unknown people. This also causes in signals overlapping. To fix this issue, change the default login credentials to avoid interference of third-party internet or wireless devices.

Still facing issues while setting up Linksys extender? Drop all your worries and contact us immediately via toll-free number or comment section below.

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