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How to Land Your Online Dream Job This Year

by Soft2share.com

At present, no one can deny the evolution of technology. And with this technology, comes a number of problems: the availability of cars then leads to more of them on the road, and increasing traffic. These grueling conditions in the day-to-day travels have made attractive to an exasperated workforce, the idea of working remotely through online jobs. This work-from-home (or work-from-anywhere, rather) have gained widespread attention for their convenience and flexibility usually absent in a corporate workspace. As the world becomes more interconnected with each passing year, geographical boundaries are eschewed and a growing market becomes available for those looking to move their workspace online. Whether it’s taking on a sideline or even going for that change from the corporate setting, we offer a few tips on how to increase your chances of hopefully landing your very first online job in 2019.

Beef up your portfolio

Well, with the popularity of online jobs becoming a reality, more and more are looking at this as an alternative to the traditional 9 to 5. So, expect some stiff competition. And with the limited types of positions, the race to landing a seat as a freelancer or a work-from-home set-up can be quite arduous, so it’s best to have your arsenal ready. Remote jobs may not subject applicants to go under the same rigorous process when recruiting in which you’ll be able to showcase your skills and talk about your job experience. So, the key here is to grab attention and make a great first impression. And how else to do that than giving in a resume that covers all bases, along with a portfolio that shows possible employers what you’ve done and what you’re capable of doing.

Don’t shy away from LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a wonderful platform that connects you to employers. It saves a lot of time and effort looking for work in your respective field. Use the Easy Apply button for convenience, even. That’s what it’s there for. Another advantage of a LinkedIn account is that employers and companies can discover you when in search of employees.

Apps actually help

Another way of making a good flow of cash whether full-time or on the side is through apps. Certain apps let you earn extra through your expertise or free time. One such app, Callmart whose motto is “Callmart: Make connections online. Earn money”, lets you communicate with followers or consult with remote clients. Turning your idle time into hard-earned money has never been easier. You’ll never be bored and in the dumps again. And it’s simple, too. Just download your desired app, create a listing, answer calls, talk to people, and get paid! And you might be thinking: what if I don’t want to take this particular call? Well, you don’t have to. No pressure there!

Try your hand at freelance

You can actually provide services remotely either on a paid salary or on a per-project basis. Writer, editor, graphic design and even virtual assistant are just a few positions that are countless in opportunities. Sites such as Upwork and Indeed are perfect for those looking freelance job opportunities. It’s fairly simple, as well. Search keywords your job entails and the position you desire, then check the listings and the prices offered per job, choose one that works for you, and send a cover letter or whatever else is required on the job post. For projects, repeat clients are key and that should push you to do good with your work. Other positions will require long-term commitments and these may be limiting but it does give a sense of job security, and at times, benefits.

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