Home Technology How to Market Your App on Social Media?

How to Market Your App on Social Media?

by Soft2share.com

Mobile app market is heavily crowded with multiple options (apps) for one problem- this is why marketing the app for maximum visibility has become essential for its success in terms of conversions, ROI, and growth. Simply creating a kick-ass mobile app that is innovative, robust, and engaging isn’t enough anymore. Taking the numbers Statista quoted, there are 2.8 million Android apps and 2.2 million iOS apps ruling the store. So effective marketing pre-launch and post-launch is the way to make way through all this noise.

Now once the need for effective marketing of mobile app is recognized, then what is left is choosing a platform. And the leading platform for mobile app marketing is without a doubt, SOCIAL MEDIA.

Social media platforms have become the ultimate force for greatest and smallest of brands alike. With most of the world joining social media, this place has become a gold-mine for generating leads and brand visibility.

So how to go about marketing your app on social media? We have discussed this in detail to give you a road-map to success.

Invest in Influencers

Recommendations and reviews are all the rave these days, and one of the ruling content on Instagram and YouTube. This is where learned influencers play a big part in introducing various products to their huge following by reviewing it. In the realm of tech, you can check the likes of Marques BrownIee, Linus Tech Tips, and Unbox Therapy. These guys have millions of followers, and imagine your app being reviewed by one of them will instantly introduce your app to a large potential customer-base and enhance your reach to by a significantly large margin. Of course, this was just an example. But you get the idea how influencer marketing works.

Just find the right influencer for your product (doesn’t have to be popular) that has the right kind of followers and this will help you get the message of your app across to people – which could lead to successful conversion into customers. If your app becomes popular among them, you can count on word-of-mouth marketing that would facilitate your app’s growth and visibility.

Focus on Quality Content

You can’t expect to market your app on social media and not give content much attention. Content Is King – So make sure your campaigns are well thought out with high-quality and engaging content.

Assuming you have done your research on social media trends and the kind of content that is popular among your targeted audience, then develop content that is in line with their interests and grab their attention through it.

Still confused? Consider your app to be about travel – then create content that showcases stop destination to travel to, or the essentials to carry when travelling, so on and so forth. Just get the creative juices flowing and give it a go!

However, written content is the only medium you can use. Statistics show that the most popular form of content is video based, on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. So entice your audiencethrough engaging short videos that speak about your app in a subtle way – leaving people wanting more. You can make use of this strategy in your pre-launch marketing efforts. As for post-launch, make them want to engage with your app through that video – a call to action within the video, perhaps?

Before submerging yourself into the kind of content you would want to create, especially video-content, learn the art of its creation first and the key elements – like the time duration, quality, popular style options, and more.

Encourage User-Generated Content

It’s like inception, content within content – only in this case, you want to encourage audience through appealing content to generate their own. This could be done through hashtag challenges which is quite popular, asking them to post pictures and videos of themselves doing certain things that is in line with your app’s agenda.

User-generated content will showcase the value of your app, since people are more prone to trust the recommendations of common users and peers. This will not just do the marketing for you, but also help in building trust in your product. The power of positive user-generated content shouldn’t be underestimated, and utilized to its maximum potential.

Reviews and Ratings

Reviews and ratings work best when they are created by actual users and not written by someone within your own company. Trust me, it is easily distinguishable and only reduces the credibility. Take yourself as an example, when you are downloading an app, you visit the reviews section to check any complains about unaddressed bugs or how greatly it helps them. All in all, reviews and ratings play a big role in the decision factor of whether an app is worth downloading or not.

According to the sources, nearly 60% of the people bank on reviews and deem it the most important factor when downloading an app. Another crucial aspect to consider is the fact that only 40% of the mobile app users actually browse for the app on store, so the only way to retain this 40% is by displaying positive reviews.

The question is how to stay genuine in displaying only good reviews? Well, this is by trusting a professional software development companies in Houston, for example to create a seamless UX design coupled with optimized functionality ensuring a smooth user journey, eliminating any possibilities of errors and bugs among other things. Another thing to understand is developing a great mobile app isn’t a one-time thing. But, in fact a continuous process of after-care and maintenance.

Having a great tech-team on board with your product is one way to ensure positive user-reviews.

Summing Up

Social media has proven itself to be the dominating factor in the world of online-marketing. However, not every platform that includes Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, and more behaves in one way. If one type of content is going well for Twitter, it may not be so for Facebook. So make sure you are well-versed with the ins and outs of each micro-blogging apps and site, and then power-through!

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