Home How to How to Pick the Right Contract Plan and iPhone 6 for Your Needs

How to Pick the Right Contract Plan and iPhone 6 for Your Needs

by Soft2share.com

You’ve no doubt heard about the new iPhone 6 and are probably interested in getting one for yourself. In addition to all of the new tech that comes with the popular gadget, you should also be aware of other considerations such as price, contracts and options for service. Over a period of one or two years, the total cost of your mobile service can vary widely depending on a few select decisions you make. If you decide poorly, then you may be stuck with a costly service that you didn’t want nor need.

You can find a plethora of different carriers, service plans and contracts, but not all are created equal – nor cost the same. The most financially responsible consumers take the time to do their homework before agreeing to anything or signing anything. Below, we’ll outline some of the options you have when it comes to considering a contract, a few plans that will go well with any new iPhone, and what features are new or improved with the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.


Old-Fashioned Two-Year Contracts

The tried and true two-year contract is a staple in the mobile phone industry, as millions of subscribers use this option to receive a new mobile phone at regular intervals. The contract works by having a user sign an agreement for service for a period of two years, and in exchange, he or she has to pay an upfront cost for part of the phone and have the remainder incorporated into their monthly payments. These contracts work in part like credit; where someone otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford a new phone, they can instead procure it and pay off the balance over time.

With so many different carriers and plans available, it can quickly become confusing in knowing which one to pick. We’ve done some digging and found two great contracts for those who want a new iPhone 6. The first one costs £38 per month and provides users with unlimited talk, unlimited text and 1 GB of 4G data service. You’ll receive a new iPhone 6 64 GB device with the contract, but you’ll also have to pay £199 in order to receive it. Our second plan from O2 gives users 20 GB of data, as well as unlimited talk and text. The upfront payment for the same iPhone 6 64 GB model is a bit higher (£209), as is the monthly rate (£48).

Service-Only Contracts

SIM-only contracts provide freedom and flexibility where traditional two-year contracts do not; they can also save users money. A more affordable monthly payment on a one-year SIM-only contract can be procured if you have the ability to buy your new iPhone 6 or 6 Plus with cash. SIM Only Expert keeps a list of all SIM-only contracts available, which you can view by clicking clicking here. Since these plans only last for one year and since you are not having to subsidise your phone’s purchase through the contract directly, you’ll be able to leave the carrier penalty-free in half the time and pay (in many cases) less than half what you’d pay under traditional contract.

Your iPhone 6 or 6 Plus will work just fine with SIM-only contracts, and we’ve picked two in question to show you today. The first plan is from Three, costs £10 per month, and features unlimited text, 1 GB of data and 600 minutes of airtime. GiffGaff brings us the second plan, which gives users 500 minutes of talk time, unlimited texts and 1 GB of data, and also costs £10 per month. You can check out GiffGaff’s SIM-only solutions here; Three’s equivalents can be found here. All in all, plans like these will save you £300 to £500 over two years, and the amount depends on the type of iPhone 6 you select.

What’s New, and What’s Changed

There have been several revisions and improvements to the iPhone in preparation for the release of the iPhone 6, but what exactly is different? For starters, you’ll notice that the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus each have bigger screens; the iPhone 6 has a 4.7 inch screen, and the iPhone 6 Plus has a 5.5 inch screen. Silver has been added to the line of colours you can now choose from, and a different camera design combined with improved internals will boost your overall video and photo experiences. iOS 8 was released just in time for the new iPhone, and a more powerful battery comes with it.

Choose Carefully

All too many people have acted quickly to grab the latest Apple product and found themselves with bad service, unneeded features in their plans and overpriced monthly bills. By taking the time to review all of the information on contracts, plans and which iPhone 6 is right for you, you’ll be doing yourself a favour, saving money in the long-run and making a smart decision.

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