Home Tech News How To Protect Your Online Banking Information From Identity Thieves

How To Protect Your Online Banking Information From Identity Thieves

by Soft2share.com

Your online bank is at the mercy of hackers if it doesn’t use strong and unique passwords for its accounts. Weakly encrypted passwords make it easy for crooks to access your information. In fact, they have a simple script that they use to break the most basic password codes. If you want to ensure the safety of your bank account and your personal information, follow these three simple steps:

Keep your personal information private. Hackers have been known to use fake email addresses and physical mail accounts to make their unwanted advances. If you want to ensure your bank account information stays safe, avoid writing down your passwords in a notebook, paper, or other public location. Instead, choose passwords that are difficult to remember but easy to type. Use different passwords for different accounts.

Two-step Authentication

Use two-step authentication with your online banking passwords. Two-step authentication makes it impossible for hackers to access your account without your knowledge. When you’re trying to establish a password, the security of the site itself is what will protect your personal information. Choose strong and unique passwords that cannot be easily guessed.

Avoid Lowercase Password

Avoid using lowercase letters with your passwords. Most hackers use keywords and special characters to try to crack the passwords of online banking accounts. For example, some crooks will choose words like “bank” or “online” to target accounts held at Chase Bank or Wells Fargo Bank. Using lowercase letters in these keywords or other combinations of characters will make it more difficult for hackers to crack the passwords, even if they do manage to get through.

Don’t Use Public Wifi

Do not sign up for bank services via public Wi-Fi. Hackers are also trying to break into public Wi-Fi signals, as well as those of wireless carriers that use mobile banking information to facilitate customer transactions. By targeting your banking institution’s Wi-Fi signal, the hackers have an easier access to your personal information. Instead of signing up for online banking services on open, public Wi-Fi hot spots, consider signing up only for secure Wi-Fi settings that make it harder for others to break into your devices.

If you are using a mobile device and connecting to the internet with it, make sure that you are in a public place, where there is no Wi-Fi signal interference. In areas where Wi-Fi access is available, use that access to connect to your mobile banking application. If that option does not exist in your location, consider connecting to a separate public Wi-Fi hotspot in order to continue using your online banking information without having your private banking data stolen. You should also avoid using public Wi-Fi at coffee shops, airports or other public locations.

Use Security Apps

Secure your mobile banking information even further by downloading a free app that secures your account. This is often referred to as a “mobile security app.” Some of these applications include encryption technology so that only you can log into your account (Login Database). Others automatically encrypt your bank account information when it is stored on your mobile device, protecting it even more from being accessed by an identity thief. Installing such an app is often easy and can be done by visiting the App Store. Lastly, you should always be aware that thieves are always trying to find new ways to steal your bank account information. If you only take the effort to secure your mobile devices, you will greatly reduce the risk that an identity thief will gain unauthorized access to it. However, if you are like most people, then you have more than one mobile device. The easiest way for someone to steal your bank accounts and other financial information is through a mobile device. Be sure to always use the strongest password that is known to you. Choose a strong password and use it on all of your electronic banking and credit card accounts as well

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