Home Tech News How to Render a Wall by Yourself?

How to Render a Wall by Yourself?

by Soft2share.com

If you’re looking to give your home’s exterior a fresh new look, rendering is your best bet. It’s the process of applying lime, sand, cement, polymer, or another material to the wall, creating a gorgeous and uniform finish. The process also adds protection and stability to a wall that might show cracks or signs of degradation. While many Australian homeowners turn to render services to complete the task, others would prefer to do it on their own. It may seem like a daunting task, but it’s not as difficult as it seems. Here are a few steps you should take if you want to apply the rendering on your own and make your house dreamier and more consistent.

Choose a finish

The type of render material you use can have an enormous impact on the look of your walls. You should consider your options before making a definitive decision. Some renders can give the walls a smooth finish, while others can add a little more texture if you prefer it. It all depends on your tastes and how well a particular look would go with the rest of the exterior.

If you want an old-timey wall render, lime is considered a good choice. It can go well with applied texture and suits homes from a particular older period. Polymer and acrylic are great choices for homes that go for a contemporary look. If you want a modern and smooth finish, either of these materials would be the ideal choice.

Don’t forget to choose a color that matches other elements of your home’s exterior. You don’t want it to stick out like a sore thumb. Choose your hues wisely to create an attractive finish that goes well with the color palette of your home.

Workaround external features

Numerous elements of your home’s exterior will affect the rendering. Vents, windows, and drain pipes have to be worked around carefully when you render the home. When starting, you should remove rainwater pipes and return them when you’ve completed the task.

To keep the render tidy and neat, you’ll have to invest in a few metal stop pieces. They’ll allow the render to build up at the edges as much as they need to without creating uneven surfaces. The new finish will be able to adjust to the shape of the wall more easily when you plan and apply these elements.

Prepare the walls

One of the most important steps you should take before applying a render is to examine the external walls. They should be free of underlying damage and defects that could affect the rendering process. Many Australian homeowners apply to render on the overtop and call it a day, but this doesn’t allow it to sit correctly. The rendered walls eventually crack when the damage starts showing through.

If you’re going to DIY the rendering, you must take care of any of the wall’s underlying problems beforehand. It’s recommended that you enlist the help of professional house rendering Sydney experts to examine your walls and resolve any problems before applying to render. Afterward, you can be sure that the walls will be able to hold the render for years to come.

Lay the foundation

Once you’re ready to begin the process, you have to set the foundation. Before you can add the render, you have to use a render mesh that will hold it. It’s usually made of a flexible fiberglass material that embeds in the first part of the render. Depending on the material that the render will cover, you’ll need different kinds of mesh. Double-check with some local rendering services to see which mesh would be most appropriate for your wall type.

While you’re adding the mesh, determine how much render you’ll need to mix. You should aim for an amount that will be able to cover the entire wall while also taking into consideration the stopping points. Use a trowel to apply it in smooth layers. Every coat should look pristine and flat so that the result is the same. Aim for around four millimeters for each coat and you should be on your way to a perfect render for your external walls.


Rendering is not as complicated of a process as it seems. The magic is in the preparation. You have to prepare your wall adequately and use the necessary tools and accessories to make sure that the render will stick to it and last. Afterward, the application will be a smooth process, and you won’t have to worry about cracking shortly.

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