Home Automobiles How to wash your own car like a pro?

How to wash your own car like a pro?

by Soft2share.com

We all believe that we could wash our car much better than those automatic street machines, but when we try we never look the same. However, there is a solution to this problem, because the secret is in the routine and the details used by the workshop professionals.

Following these simple steps and in the correct order, surely your car can be more careful than anyone else would.

First step: wash the inside


This step is very important and sometimes forgotten by the desire to want a shiny car but what really gives the feeling of having the new car again is to leave the interior clean and smelling fresh.

But don’t worry, it’s not like washing a house. You only have to remove the things that are accumulated in the back seat for the hurried days. The best advice is to try not to accumulate food scraps or this will make everything more complicated.

Then you must use the first magical instrument of car wash routines: the vacuum cleaner.

Remove the rugs

A portable or handheld model will be enough to collect dust or crumbs from the seats, the driver’s board and the floor.

Another important point in this regard is the corners, that is where dirt accumulates most and where it should be cleaner so that garbage is not returned.

If you have carpets, it is best to shake them out of the car, blow them with a reverse function of the vacuum and then put them in once you have vacuumed everything.

For a better aspirate you should move the seats back to their maximum level and pick up below the normal position, then move them completely forward and do the same in the rear area.

Cracks and dust: critical areas

If you want a very clean finish you must go through the crevices, it is right there where more dust accumulates and where insects usually hide.

In the door compartments, between the co-driver’s drawers and in the air conditioning grilles. A good idea is to clean these areas with an old and dry toothbrush or pass a sponge that picks up the dirt and does not spread it any more, how it happens when wipes are used.

Clean and bright: luxury combination

The interior brightness is also important, so there are interior car waxes that allow you to leave the keyboard and the leather of the seats as new.

To do this you must have a microfiber towel and moisten it with a special product that does not stain.

You can even lay your back and pass the polishing chemical over the entire length of the body of the main chairs.


Another focal point that is usually forgotten is the safety straps. You are often used a lot and with the use they end up sweaty, dirty and worn.

To recover its original colour it is best to use dry detergent since these belts are usually made of washable fabrics.

This is the only space where. You can use regular laundry soap and some hot water if you don’t have a specialized option at home.

Glass from the inside

To end the internal area you have to clean the windows and the sunroof or burn coconut from the inside.

It is recommended to go for a formula that does not drip so as not to ruin the previous work. Use a single-use paper to leave no traces and make an S-shaped path to cover each space.

Latonería: first external inspection

Now comes the outside. At this point, it is best to start with a previous inspection. Make a recognition of the damage and problems you have, which can range from simple spots of dry raindrops to glued mosquitoes, bird poop, mud or old scratches.

General hose

The easiest way to start cleaning the large frame is with a constant and direct water source, such as a hose in the house or a superior source in the car washes.

This allows to get rid of the superficial layer of dirt and is especially important in the area of ​​tires and metal wheels because it is the part where the most rubbish of the street accumulates such as debris and dirt, elements that can damage the brakes and for the best tires you may visit

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Bell Engineering you can find all the information related to the world of the tire you might need and become an expert in the field. If you have doubts about what type of tires to choose, how the labeling, speed codes, tire construction works, so you must visit it.

Scrub and rinse


The secret to be able to remove all stains is to rub the wet shell of the car with specialized soap. This lathering process can be done with a sponge or a car glove that should be moistened in a bucket with enough solution.

From time to time, the instrument must also be rinsed with water to remove traces of dirt that may cause scratches.

From top to bottom: cleaning order

In order to keep the most important part cleaner, it is recommended to follow an order in the cleaning routine. Start on the roof, continue on the hood and then go to the back where the suitcases travel.

Finally, go to the doors, these sides should be cleaned in two steps, first to the windows and top and then the bottom that can be more full of mud or dirt on the road.

If you have a car bike rack this may be the last element to clean before the tires, although another alternative is to disassemble it and do your separate care routine.

Tires: circular cleaning

A separate glove or sponge should be used on the tires since this part is what is in direct contact with the pavement of the street and absorbs the greatest amount of waste. And, for this reason, you should take more time and dedication in scrubbing to clean the tires well.

For best results, the hose and rinse with soap technique can be repeated so that the water pressure helps a second round of scrubbing to remove more dirt.

Here you can use brushes to clean in detail the indentations of the texture of the tires, the rubber part, and a smoother cloth for the internal metal wheels.


After having rinsed everything with water comes another essential moment that makes the difference: drying. When we do not dry the car or let the sun evaporate the drops, water marks remain on the paint, so to avoid this it is best to take care of ourselves as quickly as possible.

For this you must use a cotton cloth or suede as these fabrics are the best in absorption. With the hand wrapped in the fabric you must make a circular path from the highest to the lowest so that the drops that slide do not damage the drying job.

Outer shine

After drying the bright touch to cleaning is given by waxing. This step is very important for a polished finish and again.

With a cloth other than the previous ones (soap and drying) you must have one for car wax , with this product you will be able to create a protective and shiny layer that will make the cleaning last up to a month in its maximum splendor.

Headlights: the final touch

Finally, deep cleaning is not complete if the headlights are not included. These can be cleaned with glass and glass detergent or they can be removed and immersed in a luster product to remove the yellow color for use.

It is not necessary to do each of these steps in each wash but once you do it you will see the importance of the routine and the great change that creates a professional finish. You can repeat the complete steps every six months and make a more simplified monthly maintenance.

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