Home How to How to Wow with a Start-up Fleet Business

How to Wow with a Start-up Fleet Business

by Soft2share.com

A wise old cartoon cricket was once famously heard to remark that ‘If your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme’. While ambitious ideas in business often require a fair share of start-up capital to make said dreams a reality, the passion and drive behind your ideas are the real reason behind their power. However small or limited in funding, your new car company business deserves to make a big splash in the fleet industry and it can if you have the courage of your convictions and fresh, innovative ideas to show for it – and that’s the real grown-up truth!


Learn the lingo

When entering a new business environment, you will inevitably be met with some industry jargon that may be alien to you so it’s important to be well versed in terms of the trade – so if you don’t know your LPG from your VAT, brush up on a glossary of fleet industry terms to impress others and yourself while you’re at it.

Be economical

Putting a cap on fuel spending is always high on the fleet industry agenda. Implement a way to combat fuel costs and you’re golden. We recommend providing drivers with fuel cards tailored to your fleet – these can increase security, reduce dead mileage and most importantly, help you access and manage company fuel spending online.

Be secure

Fleet companies, however small, need to know where their vehicles are at all times for security reasons. Ensure you install a car tracking device in each vehicle and begin to reap multiple benefits; including reliability of staff, a higher performance fleet and lower insurance premiums – it really does pay to be safe.

 Go green

Green credentials are a very admirable quality in business since it tells prospective clients and staff that you care and that you are receptive and flexible to change. Everything from your waste disposal methods to vehicle servicing can be conducted in an eco-friendly manner. Do some research into green business habits and see what works for you.

Whatever your fleet ambitions, always be open to the changes that can benefit yourself and others in equal measure. A small but significant place to start could be with your on-site company transport. In addition to your beloved fleet, you may be in need of a handful of company cabs to keep on-site for potential clients, visitors and members of staff. The online firm Cab Direct sell a wide range of new and used taxis including wheelchair accessible models, perfect for providing adaptability for less.

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