by Soft2share.com

All concrete floors are not same. Their position makes them difference. Their moisture emitting capacity vividly depends upon it.  To consider it for carpet experts divide it into three types. You may have concrete floor in basement. This floor type is mostly indulged in moisture issues. Humidity with less ventilation also makes it hell for man and heaven for microorganisms. Concrete floor of outdoors is always prone to get wet. This wetness makes them even more solid and slick.   Now remains an upper floor. Concert floors on upper stories are mostly dry due to their height. 

For determining what source of moisture your basement has, stick a piece of translucent plastic piece on the floor.  After a while there appear moisture beads on that piece of plastic. More the numbers of beads, more the moisture is in the air. Now you can ascertain how much the moisture can disturb your carpet in future. Suck out humidity from the basement and then put a carpet there. If the moisture beads appear on the concrete floor and beneath the piece of plastic, it means there is some source under the concrete floor which is releasing water. Check if there is any water source like water pipes or sanitation pipes find it and fix it. If there is no moisture drop on any surface then its perfect concrete floor to put on carpet. Do not use foam pad than just use rubber under pad. This rubber pd may be a recycled form of your car’s old tire. Wait there is a warning! That rubber pad may blowouts tire smell in your basement.

Rug cleaning Carpet on outdoor concrete floor shall be water proof. It must be mold and moss resistant. Its surface shall be sloppy so the water could spill easily towards lower side; this may be is your porch or garden. Before placing carpet on it smoother the tickling concrete spiked up at surface of concrete floor.  Before applying adhesive make the outer door complete dry. Rolled down heavy roller on carpet, so it may fix firmly to concrete without any doubt. Let it remain dry for at least 3 days after installation. The concrete floor at upper story always welcomes the carpet as mostly it has no issue of moisture or humidity.

In view of all types there come few questions of whether to put carpet on concrete floor or not? Which carpet will suit best and at which floor?  If you have no issue regarding moisture and you have selected the carpet. The question now is the selection of backing of carpet. Which definitely take care of the rubbing element of carpet against concrete? Then experts suggest two solutions, use the under pads of carpets or glue the carpet with the floor.  Be ascertain if your carpet is enough flexible to be glued down with carpet without breaking its structure or backing. Otherwise on bearing weight of your step it may break down.

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