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Life during Lockdown

by Soft2share.com

While many countries are suffering from COVID 19, India is locked down till 3rd May. As per the current news, the situation looks even worse. Lockdown also may be extended. Life has come to a standstill and many companies along with it. All the flights are cancelled and the same is the case with the Rail network of India. In such a scenario, it’s hard to have a normal life. You need to be safe first before anything.

Work may stop but expenses are hard to keep low. Though recently we have some relief on EMI(s) by the government still you need to pay them and what about other expenses. Whether you earn or not there will be some fixed expenses so working and saving your job should be your first priority. Perhaps, we are witnessing one of the biggest recession of all time. Things are not going to be normal even after we recover from this pandemic COVID19. 

The most impacted sectors are small start-ups and businesses. Employees are asked to work from home but how do companies ensure that their employees are productive enough. Some employees are facing poor network issue(s). Believe it or not but a good amount of people are not able to work because they don’t have a working wi-fi or good network to execute daily office work.

Basic Challenges while working from home 

Too many distractions at home are one of the biggest challenges in front of employees. Working from home for a few days is manageable but for a month, it gets monotonous. One of the basic extinctions of us is to roam around a little to be fresh but this lockdown has brought life to stagnancy. This is also impacting our productivity. 

The other big challenge is the unavailability of a strong Mobile or wi-fi network. Though some companies tried to equip their employees with the necessary hardware to get the work done still some companies are struggling to get their work done and they can’t do anything about it.  

The best alternative to get your work done

Notably, P.G services are a good option at this time. You could book a room or a bed as per your budget. Most of the PG In Delhi or in your city comes with modern amenities. Room on rent for Boys in Delhi is such a good proposition being offered by OYO Life. This P.G aggregator offers Rooms on rent for girls in Delhi and in other 10 cities as well. This rental start-up is also offering Co-living rooms on rent in Delhi at a very low cost. 

OYO Life propositions are very lucrative. It doesn’t ask for any brokerage which is a major problem in the Indian rental business. Security deposit is also for just 1 month and most of the PG(s) are landlord free zones. You would get all the modern amenities such as fast wi-fi, fully loaded kitchen, TV, washing machine and whatnot. This hotel provider company came into PG business and captured the market in just a year. This is currently one of the biggest players in the market. 

Booking a P.G might shoot up your productivity because there will be no one to disturb you thus you could focus on your work without any distraction. Additionally, every P.G is equipped with a property manager who takes care of the maintenance part as well. All you gotta do is to download their app through play store or app store and book a room.

At last, be safe!

Being safe is the only thing that should be a priority for everyone. While we tell you the ways to get your work done but we all wish to tell you to be safe. Try a healthy regime that will keep you focused. Keep doing Yoga or some sort of exercise at least for 30 minutes every day so your body and mind both could be in place. If you fall ill then you won’t be able to perform any task so it’s essential that you take care of your physical and mental health both in this tough time. Most importantly, keep washing your hand with soap or sanitizer at regular intervals. 

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