Home SEO Make 1Digital Agency Your Shopify Developer

Make 1Digital Agency Your Shopify Developer

by Soft2share.com

Working with Shopify as the platform for your eCommerce business will give you access to a number of features that can improve your business and result in higher conversion rates. Shopify enables its users to create a custom design that offers quite a lot in terms of layout and interface and is capable of creating a valuable and engaging website customized for user experience and SEO.

The trick is getting everything out of Shopify that the platform can offer, and by the very nature of the fact that it offers so much functionality, it requires a depth of expertise to develop. This is a blessing and a curse for busy eCommerce entrepreneurs, as it means they can create amazing websites – if they have the time and the experience with the platform. Here are some things you can expect from a seasoned Shopify Developer.

Create A User-Friendly Layout
What does it mean to create a user-friendly website? Generally, it means a website design that visitors will find easy and enjoyable to use, even providing valuable information. In short, if a website layout frustrates visitors’ efforts to find the products of which they came in search, it’s an ineffective design.

A Shopify developer will take a step back from your website and then interact with it in much the same manner as a potential customer. If the hierarchy of the site is confusing the developer will streamline it to make it easier to get from the homepage to the product pages. A Shopify developer can also help create and incorporate custom apps and search functionality into your website to make it much more approachable and functional to the customers that get to your site.

Integrate Your Branding
A Shopify developer, in addition to creating a website that is functional and intuitive for visitors to navigate, will miss no chances at incorporating elements of your brand into your design. Your website is an extension of the experience that your brand offers, and if the experience suffers, customers will remember it and associate it with your brand.

The design and layout of your website are present prime opportunities to integrate elements of your brand. Elements like the color scheme, logos and even the voice and tone of the words in your content are all reflective of your brand and can be tailored to your online image.

Create A Responsive Design
Creating a responsive design is another critical element of your website that a Shopify developer can help devise for you. M-commerce is steadily growing, as more and more online shoppers reach for the phones in their pockets instead of for their laptops or desktops.

A Shopify developer can help you create a web design that is properly scaled for a mobile experience so that your shoppers can easily navigate through and interact with your website from their phones or tablets.

Much More
This only scratches the surface of what a Shopify developer can achieve for your online business. For more information on some of the problems a developer can help you tackle, contact 1Digital™ Agency at info@1digitalagency.com or at 888-982-8269. A Shopify partner specializing in crafting holistic solutions to complex problems faced by eCommerce merchants, 1Digital™ Agency is uniquely positioned to help your Shopify website boost traffic and sales, so contact them today.

Author is a freelance writer and having successful experience in writing about Internet Marketing Services. Currently he is writing about how to choose Bigcommerce Developer and Magento Developer.

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