Home Business Opportunities in the field of business analytics and how to grab them

Opportunities in the field of business analytics and how to grab them

by Soft2share.com

Technological skills like analytics, AI and data science are in highest demand in this age of rapid digitization. Especially in a country like India where the general emphasis on data driven solutions is maximum, the demand for individuals skilled in analytics and its associated technologies is very high. 

However, in recent study of the Indian analytics industry by the Analytics India Magazine shows that over 97,000 jobs in the field of analytics remained vacant in 2018-19. 

Such trends indicate towards the promising opportunities that have emerged in the field of analytics in India and by enrolling in reputed business analytics courses or data science certification programs you can easily grab such opportunities.

What does a career in business analytics offer?

  • Business analysts are indispensable
    Almost every industrial sector is going digital and businesses need to make sense of data which they acquire in a digital space. And it is the work skilled analysts to process enormous data sets and dig out vital insights from such data sets. These insights are highly valuable to business organizations as these can be used to add value to the businesses. 

Given the prominence of digital economies and the growth of unstructured data, every company needs to hire business analysts in order to stay competitive. As a consequence, the career of a business analyst looks bright because the demand for an analyst’s skills will never deteriorate. 

  • Stability and security
    Many opine that the recent trend of digitization and automation will ultimately eradicate blue- and white-collar jobs while making many old-school technological skills irrelevant at the same time.

However, analytics aspirants need not worry as an increase in digitization will only increase the demand for analysts. As a matter of fact, business analysts form the core of a company’s data driven business strategy and any business looking to monetize data must hire data analysts. Thus, the field of business analytics is future-proof and offers immense job security

  • Hefty pay packages
    Glassdoor reports that the average yearly salary of a business analyst in India is around Rs650,000. A fresher can earn as much as Rs371K and depending on your level of experience your salary can go up to Rs1,200K. Isn’t that huge? Can you think of any other career field offering such high pay packages? No doubt business analytics is one of the most popular career choices.

What do you need to do to seek a career in analytics?

In India maximum analytics positions go unfulfilled because there is an acute talent gap and many do not possess the required skills that a business analyst should have. Skills like Python, R, SAS and Tableau are extremely important for various analytics roles and a good business analyst must be proficient in those. 

Looks tough?

Do not worry there are many business analytics courses offered by reputed institutes in India and by choosing one you can easily acquire all the necessary skills. Moreover, institutes in Indian cities like Bangalore offer training by industry experts on in-demand analytics tools and such a training course will help you immensely to grab a good job!

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