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Purpose of mental health assessment

by Soft2share.com

Purpose of mental health assessment

A mental health assessment gives your psychiatrist a picture of how you think, feel, think and remember. The mental health test assesses your emotional health through a series of questions and also includes a physical examination.

As a priority your psychiatrist will determine whether you are at risk of hurting yourself or others. For children, a mental health assessment will be designed according to the child’s age and stage of development.

The Mental Health Assessment aims to:

  • Diagnosis of mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, postpartum depression, eating disorders and psychotic diseases
  • Distinguish between mental and physical health problems
  • Evaluate the person referred for problems at school, work or home.

Preparation for mental health assessment

Before your appointment, consider the reasons for the assessment:

  • What are the symptoms of your mental illness?
  • What thoughts, feelings, or behaviors have bothered you?
  • Did a particular event, such as the death of a loved one, cause these symptoms?
  • How often do you have symptoms and what to do when you have?
  • How long do the symptoms last?

It may be helpful to keep a diary on the days or week before the mental health assessment. It may also help bring a friend or family member who can describe the symptoms of your mental illness from their perspective. If the assessment is for the child, make a few notes about their behavior. This may help ask their teachers for any feedback they have made.


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