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Queensland Mental Health Week

by Soft2share.com

Queensland Mental Health Week – Take time for mental health

We all need reminders about how to maintain mental health – am I right? Fortunately, QMHW is an annual event organized to highlight the different ways we can take care of our mental health and reach those in need. This year’s Mental Health Week takes place between 5 and 13 October, an ideal time for everyone to boost their mental health. This year’s theme is the winner – take your time – for mental health.

This theme is perfectly perfect for today and age. It’s easy for us to get busy with our busy lives and neglect our mental health. Whether it’s a busy job, family, or finance, the list will continue! Life can be relentless.

Give priority to taking care of yourself

Perhaps “I don’t have time” is the most common response when you ask someone what they do to take care of themselves. But think about it, one hour a day is less than 5% of your day. If you wait until you have time, you’ll never get it. Work with time. Make it for yourself, your health and your happiness. Because once you do, it will be a better version of yourself. Trust me, you will thank yourself for now you will be able to give 100%. Abraham Lincoln said it was better, “Give me six hours to cut a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.” Think about how to sharpen your ax.

Higher times for taking time

Here are the top 5 tips to help you spend time:

  1. Book it and make it non-negotiable. Treat yourself like any other appointment you somehow find time to come. Are you thinking twice about rescheduling this meeting with your boss right?
  2. Do not fall into the “justification” talk. When someone asks if you have free or can do something for them or with them, you don’t feel like you have to justify yourself. Simply say “Sorry I have an appointment beforehand” or “Oh, I’m busy, what about [insert date and time here]”.
  3. Notice and admit uncomfortable feelings …. and do it anyway! Those feelings we mentioned earlier … those terrible feelings of guilt, embarrassment and shame. It is amazing to notice these things and realize that feelings should not prevent you from doing what you have to do. I hate needles – but I know that the blood test that the doctor asked me to get is important, so I go and do it. It is the same thing while spending time in our mental health, it is necessary to take care of our mind the way we take care of our body.
  4. Tell yourself that you deserve it! Say “I’m worth it!”. Repeat this now 5 times. Do this daily throughout the year and you may start believing it! Our minds are funny. We can actually convince ourselves of something by repetition. People often have negative internal thought processes where they tell themselves they don’t deserve to spend time. After that it becomes easy to believe it. We want to reverse this thinking.

QMHW events

QMHW is an opportunity for people to meet to raise awareness about mental health, what they do to spend time for mental health, and for mental health providers to promote their services. Take a look at the QMHW website to see local events during the week to meet new people. You can also join the social media challenge and enter the prize draw. Post a photo of what you’re doing to take time for mental health, whether it’s a cup of tea or a hobby, and highlight the photo with  QMHW Take Time


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Create permanent change

Queensland Mental Health Week is an ideal opportunity for us to focus on spending time to focus on our mental health and well-being. Use this week as an opportunity to set aside radar time to support yourself and others to be healthier and happier. But most importantly, for anything you apply during Mental Health Week, make sure that this is the basis for real and lasting change. Don’t just make a change and take time for Mental Health Week in Queensland – take time for a lifetime of mental health.

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