Home Business Securing Data Loss: 4 Typical Causes of Data Loss and How To Prevent Them

Securing Data Loss: 4 Typical Causes of Data Loss and How To Prevent Them

by Soft2share.com

Data loss is one of the things that your company wants to avoid. It can put the company in great danger, and that danger also means disaster. Data loss can be the worst thing that could happen to your company.

When you lose a particular type of data, you could also be missing all the information about your clients, employees, upcoming projects, and of course, losing all these documents can put the future of your company at risk.

Although there are measures to prevent data loss, it’s still efficient to know the things that can cause data loss. Therefore, here are the most common causes of data loss and how to prevent them.

System and Hardware Malfunctions

Using computers are efficient, as you can easily access particular files when you need it. But, computers can sometimes be fragile. They tend to malfunction and breakdown. Hardware and system malfunctions are the most common cause of data loss. These malfunctions can be of an old computer unit, electrical failures, and a failing hard drive.

Tips to avoid hardware and system malfunctions:

  • Take good care of your computer unit and work in a safe and friendly area. Place the computer unit in an isolated location in the workplace.
  • Use high-quality devices to ensure the safety of the files and to avoid computer interruptions.

Setting Adjustments

Regularly, computers have updates and adjustments. But without the proper knowledge, it can lead to data loss. Some updates require changes that could delete some of the files on your computer.

Some employees with insufficient computer knowledge tend to update the BIOS (Basic Input Output System) without realizing the risk of losing some of the data in the computer.


  • Leave the setting adjustments and updates to the computer specialists or the IT of the company.
  • Employees or the users that have access to the files of the computers should know what they’re doing if they have to make changes on the system.

Human Errors

Human error is one of the most common cause, if not, the number one cause of data loss. There are two types of human errors that can cause data loss. The first one is those people who like to delete unnecessary files from time to time to make their computers look neat.

In this case, some of them tend to format or delete the files and data even though they don’t mean to remove it. The second one is the hot-headed and clumsy people.

The hot-headed ones tend to cause physical damage such as throwing and banging a part of the computer if they’re not in the mood or if they didn’t do something right.


  • Computer units should be in a low-traffic location or an isolated place.
  • Always be cautious about deleting files and formatting the storage devices.

Viruses and Malware

Computer viruses and malware are a critical danger to the files of the computer, especially if a hacker is behind the attack. During a virus and malware attack, there are chances of stealing the data and pieces of credit information about the company.

Tips to avoid any virus and malware attack:

  • Hire an excellent IT specialist that can handle any virus and malware attack.
  • Install a reliable and updated antivirus software to keep your computer protected and secured.
  • Install an enterprise backup software to minimize data loss.

Natural Disasters

Compared to the other causes, a natural disaster is the most unpredictable and uncontrollable cause of data loss. These natural disasters involve fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, and even blackouts, these disasters are out of control.


  • Store the essential data in an iCloud, Google Drive, and other cloud storage devices.
  • Backup critical data in an offsite external device.


Data loss can happen anytime, anywhere, and on any day. Therefore, backing up your critical and essential data is a bold move to protect your files. With the knowledge of these cases, you can be more careful and protective about your data. So start backing up your files and ensure its safety.

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