Home Technology Selecting the Right Test Cases for Automation

Selecting the Right Test Cases for Automation

by Soft2share.com

The landscape of testing methods has developed dramatically. In the past, software testing especially concentrated on specifying errors related to the developed application. Today, testing has experienced a deep transformation, with conventional techniques like functional testing, regression testing, and integration testing yielding ground to automation testing tools.

While automation testing has revolutionized the testing process, the crucial challenge lies in specifying when test automation is authenticated. While virtually any task can be automated, it is imperative to weigh the automation test standards before jumping to a decision.

The prudent technique entangles automating specific test cases that optimize your testing journey. Before we delve into the choosing of test cases, let’s first grasp the idea of a test case.

What is Automation Testing?

Automation testing is a software testing approach that uses automated scripts and specialized software tools to conduct and perform test cases. The process also verifies the functionality of a particular software application. 

In automation testing, predefined test scripts are created to execute redundant and difficult tasks, simulate user interactions, and compare the genuine results of the application with the anticipated results. Let’s discuss the key aspects of automation testing. 

Key Aspects of Automation Testing

Automation testing is especially useful for applications with a lengthy development lifecycle, regular updates, or a large number of test cases.

  1. Scripting: 

Automation testers compose scripts or test procedures that outline the stages to be performed during the testing procedure. These scripts can vary from easy sequences of activities to complex, data-driven tests.

  1. Tooling: 

Specialized automation testing tools are utilized to conduct and execute the test scripts, interact with the software being tested, capture outcomes, and develop reports. These tools furnish features for test script design, test execution, debugging, and result analysis.

  1. Repeatability: 

Automation testing guarantees that test cases can be repeatedly executed, making it perfect for regression testing, where formerly validated functionalities are restricted to ensure they still work after code modifications.

  1. Efficiency: 

It accelerates the testing process by executing tests much quicker than manual testing, thereby decreasing testing duration and effort.

  1. Accuracy: 

Automation testing minimizes the risk of human errors to ensure constant and trustworthy test results.

  1. Parallel Testing: 

Multiple test cases can be conducted simultaneously on different configurations, platforms, or browsers, improving test coverage.

Now we are going to elaborate on how the automation testing process actually works. 

How Automation Testing Works?

Automation testing applies a sequence of steps and segments that enable the implementation of tests and the validation of desired outcomes. Here is a clear explanation of how automation testing performs:

Test Planning:

The foremost step is to prepare and develop the automation testing approach. This incorporates specifying which test cases should be automated, setting appropriate automation testing tools, and specifying the scope and purposes of automation testing.

Test Script Creation:

Automation testers make test scripts or test strategies. These scripts are written in programming languages like Java, Python, or scripting languages specific to the desired automation testing tool.

Automation Testing Tools:

Choose and configure proper automation testing tools. Popular tools like Selenium, Appium, JUnit, TestNG, and many others, rely on the type of application (web, mobile, desktop) and testing needs. 

Test Data Preparation:

Design test data that will be used during the test execution. This may implicate creating datasets, configuring test environments, and setting up test data repositories.

Test Execution:

Automated scripts are executed utilizing the desired automation testing tool. During implementation, the tool interacts with the software application, simulating user actions such as clicking buttons, entering data, navigating menus, and confirming results.

Logging and Reporting:

The automation tool records all actions performed during the test execution and captures relevant information. Furthermore, it develops detailed test reports summarizing the results with the potential defects.

Test Result Comparison:

The actual results of the tests are compared against the desired results specified in the test scripts. Any differences or letdowns are flagged for further analysis.

Defect Reporting:

If flaws are specified during the test execution, they are reported to the development team using a defect-tracking technique. Automation testing tools often combine with these systems to streamline fault management to achieve your testing goals.

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD):

In modern software development methods, automation testing is often integrated into CI/CD pipelines. This indicates that tests are automatically initiated whenever new code modifications are made to the repository, confirming rapid feedback on code quality.

Maintenance and Updates:

Automation test scripts need regular maintenance to keep them up-to-date with modifications in the application’s functionality or user interface. As the application develops, the test scripts must be adjusted consequently.

Test Data Management:

Managing test data is important, as various test scenarios may require separate datasets. Automation testers must ensure that test data remains appropriate and compatible across test runs.

Scaling and Parallel Execution:

In large-scale projects, automation testing can be scaled by running tests in parallel on different configurations, browsers, or devices to improve test coverage and decrease execution time.

Selecting the Right Test Cases for Automation Testing

To effectively determine the appropriate automation test criteria, a well-thought-out plan is essential to maximize the benefits of automation testing efforts. Rather than beginning from scratch, there are essential aspects to contemplate when specifying the right automation test cases.

Firstly, the testing frequency and implementation time play a crucial role in determining whether automation is warranted for detailed test cases. When these elements are substantial, automation becomes a need. Additionally, assessing the resource necessities is essential. This concerns assessing the involvement of different devices, operating systems, browsers, databases, and platforms in the execution of test cases. 

The degree of user involvement is another concern; higher user involvement often suggests a lower likelihood of automation. Furthermore, specifying test cases that implicate complicated or flaky components or those with well-defined testing outcomes can guide the decision-making process. More detailed features tend to lean towards automation to mitigate the risk of human fallacy.

Lastly, it is compulsory to guarantee the disadvantages of automation, such as implementation and supervision expenditures. They do not outweigh the importance derived from automation, which includes saved manual resources, time, and valuable insights.

Automation is well-suited for several test types. Every type offers different benefits:

  • Regression Tests: 

These tests form the bedrock of every testing release but usually consume substantial resources and duration. Automating them guarantees constant and efficient validation of fundamental functionalities.

  • Performance Tests: 

Known for their repetitiveness and time-intensive nature, performance tests help greatly from automation. This method helps in performing complete test coverage efficiently.

  • Data-Driven Tests: 

Automation demonstrates value for executing tests on critical attributes of the Application Under Test. By automating these tests, the possibility of human errors in managing necessary components and data associated with the development is minimized.

  • Repetitive Test Runs: 

A fundamental principle of automation is to automate any redundant test run. This practice ensures detailed and exact results consistently, without the risk of human oversight.

  • High-Risk Test Cases: 

When test cases entail a high level of risk, automation becomes the main focus. It enables the prioritization of test cases based on their susceptibility to human errors, mitigating possible risks.

  • Web Applications with Essential Components: 

Automating essential parts of web applications is advised to eliminate the possibility of human errors, particularly in test cases that could compromise the overall functionality of the web application.

  • Extensive Tests: 

Test cases that concern extensive datasets are prime candidates for automation. The mere volume of data increases the possibility of fallacies in manual testing.

There are so many test types, which are not suitable for the automation testing process:

  • Ad-hoc Tests: 

Automation is ill-suited for ad-hoc test processes since there are no predefined benchmarks for assessing the software application. Attempting to automate such tests can produce incorrect results.

  • Usability Testing or User Experience Tests: 

Automation cannot replicate the nuanced emotions and expressions of human users. Therefore, these test cases should stay manual to accurately assess the user experience.

  • Intermittent or Low-Risk Tests: 

Automating tests that deliver inconsistent or low-risk outcomes is inadequate. It can lead to inconsistent outcomes and wasted resources.

  • Anti-Automation Features: 

Specific anti-automation components, such as CAPTCHA, should never be automated. Trying to automate these characteristics can sabotage their planned goal and effectiveness.

How to Select the Automation Tools 

The process of choosing a test automation tool carries paramount importance, as it particularly affects the whole automation endeavor. Opting for the right tool can streamline and improve the automation procedure. Here is a complete list of essential factors to consider when selecting an automation tool:

Technology and Platform Support: 

Consider whether the automation tool aligns with the exact technologies and platforms your organization employs. 

Skill Level Flexibility: 

Calculate the convenience level of your Quality Assurance (QA) team involving automated test script creation. Determine whether the tool accommodates diverse skill levels within your team, including the potential need for keyword-driven testing to facilitate script creation.

Feature Richness: 

Examine the automation tool’s characteristic set, concentrating on its capacity for both record and playback test design and manual development of automated tests. Confirm that the tool delivers the essential capabilities for executing checkpoints to verify database integrity, values, and key application functionalities.

Maintenance Considerations: 

Prioritize the design of automated tests that are easily maintainable, reusable, and resilient to modifications in the user interface of the application. Consider whether the automated tests are prone to breaking when alterations are made to the application’s UI.

Integration Capabilities: 

Evaluate whether the automation testing tool seamlessly integrates with your ecosystem. 

Skill Level Flexibility: 

Calculate the convenience level of your Quality Assurance (QA) team involving automated test script creation. Determine whether the tool accommodates diverse skill levels within your team, including the potential need for keyword-driven testing to facilitate script creation.

Feature Richness: 

Examine the automation tool’s characteristic set, concentrating on its capacity for both record and playback test design and manual development of automated tests. Confirm that the tool delivers the essential capabilities for executing checkpoints to verify database integrity, values, and key application functionalities.

Maintenance Considerations: 

Prioritize the design of automated tests that are easily maintainable, reusable, and resilient to modifications in the user interface of the application. Consider whether the automated tests are prone to breaking when alterations are made to the application’s UI.

Integration Capabilities: 

Evaluate whether the automation testing tool seamlessly integrates with your ecosystem. 

Automation Testing Tools and Frameworks

Here, you will learn about the different testing tools and frameworks available in the market. 


LambdaTest is a cloud-based AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform that help you organize and run tests efficiently. This can speed up the process of releasing software. LambdaTest is versatile, as it works with various frameworks and tools for web and app testing, including Selenium, Cypress, Playwright, Puppeteer, Taiko, Appium, Espresso, XCUITest, and more.

When you run your test scripts on LambdaTest, it’s easy and straightforward. With all these features at your disposal, you can significantly reduce the time it takes to execute tests. Additionally, you can use LambdaTest to keep track of any issues that arise and resolve them effectively.


  • Selenium is a well-known open-source automation testing tool mainly used to automate web applications. 
  • It supports numerous programming languages and browsers.


  • Appium is an open-source automation testing tool, used to automate mobile applications.
  • Compatible for both Android and iOS platforms. 
  • It permits cross-platform mobile testing and supports multiple programming languages.


  • Cypress is a front-end testing tool.
  • Developed for mainly web applications. 
  • It offers real-time reloading, automatic waiting, and a JavaScript-based scripting language.


In conclusion, in this era where teams and development organizations are under constant pressure to deliver applications and products swiftly to meet market demands, the quest for efficiency in the development process is paramount. Test automation arises as a key approach to expedite development while possessing a high level of quality.

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