Home SEO Sticky SEO Facts All Marketers Should Know

Sticky SEO Facts All Marketers Should Know

by Soft2share.com

Most often, people who own a business, wait until when they are about to sell their business for them to begin Right now every single person who is in the online business, he knows the importance of SEO. SEO is like a backbone to all the digital marketers out there and every person is currently struggling hard to get on top of the search engine rankings. It’s like a fish market out there and you’ll see everybody talking about SEO at the moment because then again, it’s something that defines the success of your business so why not? If you are a digital marketer then we are pretty sure you know how SEO works but if you are someone who is new to this business then don’t worry and stick to this article a little longer because today we are going to give you a brief summary of what search engine optimization is and also we will be telling you some sticky SEO facts that should be on your fingertips as a marketers.

What Is SEO?

SEO is an abbreviation for search engine optimization and it’s all about a website coming on top of the search engine. It’s basically a way of getting traffic from the free, natural and organic search results on search engines. SEO is a wide topic and in order to have complete grip on it, you need to make sure that you’ve done proper research and if you want to learn more about it then know that the internet is full of articles and blogs so, yes you can take some help from them.

Read Facts About SEO That You Must Know…

1-Around 75% of SEO is off page and the rest 25% is on page

If you want to improve your SEO then know that you need to have attractive links in your content and your content needs to be relevant to what the people search for. This element is known as off-page on someone else’s site and on-page on your site. You need to select the words that rank high in the key areas of your page and you also need to create the content that others want to link to.

2-For increasing the CTR, you need to keep the meta description under 155 chars

The brief preview that comes under the a link on the search engine is your meta description. The basic purpose of this description is to tell the users about what they are going to click on. A good and tempting meta description can help you increase the clicks but it won’t help you rank high in the search engine. However, you have to make your meta description interesting so that more and more people can show interest in your link and make sure to use around 155 characters at max.

3-The top 5 results get 75% of the clicks

You aren’t supposed to be just good with your SEO in fact, you need to make sure that you are the best because honestly only the top 5 results that show up on the first page of Google, they get 75% of the clicks so you need to use techniques to become one of those 5 results. For that you need to run a extra mile with your efforts and make sure you aren’t leaving any stone unturned with the on page and off page SEO of your site.

These are the three major sticky facts about SEO that are a must for every marketer to know. You see the thing is that this SEO game is not at all easy and you need to put extra efforts, you need to make sure that you are giving your best to your website and once you do that, you’ll then know that yes, all the effort you make brings the desired results, it’s just that you need to wait and be patient and stay constant with your efforts.

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