The Samsung Galaxy S1, 2 and 3 were arguably the phones which shocked the phone market and provided legitimate competition for Apple’s iPhone. Now the Samsung Galaxy S4 has arrived boasting new features and extra power. If you are looking to upgrade and wondering whether to stick with the Samsung or switch over to iPhone or another smart phone competitor then read on. Here we explore the advantages and the disadvantages of the new model, how to upgrade your contract and what to do with your old phone.
Is it worth upgrading?
If you previously owned either the first or second model of this phone, then the answer is definitely yes, however it is not so clear cut with the excellent S3 model. There was a huge amount of excitement preceding the release of the Samsung Galaxy S4, unfortunately this slightly fizzled out after Samsung released a model which looked and felt exactly the same as the previous device. However, what is inside the model is what makes the Samsung Galaxy really stand out. It is the most powerful android device on the market allowing speedy internet and gaming usage as well as greater storage. Furthermore, unlike some android smart phones such as the HTC which appear to slow down after they are used for a long time and extra apps are installed, the Samsung Galaxy S4 appears to aptly maintain its momentum and power no matter how long you are using it for.
Getting an upgrade
As one of the leading smart phones on the market upgrading your contract will not necessarily come cheap. If you are due a smart phone upgrade on your current contract and your mobile phone company are willing to upgrade you to the latest model then lucky you. Otherwise an upgrade is going to cost you. The handset alone will set you back around £400 and therefore it may be worth looking into upgrading your contract. Whether an upgrade for you is necessary will depend on your own financial situation, but remember the longer you spend waiting, the less time you will have to use the latest, most powerful Samsung model on the market. One of the great things about getting an upgrade is that previous Samsung Galaxy models have retained their price. Therefore, if your previous phone is still in good condition you can easily subsidise your upgrade if you sell your Samsung Galaxy S2 or other preceding models.
Selling your old phone
time in which most people receive their handset as part of their mobile phone contract, many people neglect the second hand phone market. However there are still many buyers and specialist retailers looking to purchase old phones at a slightly reduced price from their original value. If you are looking to sell an old Samsung Galaxy S2 or 3, by far the best place to do it is the internet. The online market is far more diverse than the physical marketplace; therefore it is easier to match up potential buyers and sellers for products such as mobile phones. Selling on-line is a great place to find a buyer and may enable you to afford that precious upgrade.