Home Apps SmartIO – App Review

SmartIO – App Review

by Soft2share.com

While searching for content transfer apps on the Google Play Store, we came across SmartIO, a cross-platform content transfer app that has been rated very high by its users. We decided to review it, and see if it does what it claims.


The application:
SmartIO is a Wi-Fi based cross-platform content transfer app for smartphones and tablets. It is available on all platforms and supports the transfer of up to 12 different content types, including Contacts, Pictures, Videos, SMS, MMS, Reminders, Calendars, WhatsApp Chat Backup, Bookmarks, Audio, Call Logs and Applications.

Multi-platform availability:
We wanted to see how accurate its cross-platform claim was. The first step to being cross-platform is to be available on every platform. True to its claim, SmartIO is available not only on Android’s Play Store, but also on Apple’s App Store, Windows Phone Store and BlackBerry World.

How it works:


  1. Download the app from the app store on the device containing the original data (Old device/Sender) and the device receiving the content (new device/Receiver).
  2. From the Dashboard, select Transfer Data on both devices. 
  3. Select “Local Wi-Fi” from the connectivity options. Make sure that both the devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. SmartIO would not work if devices are connected to different routers.
  4. Identify the Sender and Receiver devices. Select “Sender” on the old device (the device containing the content that needs to be transferred) and “Receiver” on new device/device receiving the data.
  5. On the Receiver, you can select “Try First” to try out the app before purchase, or purchase it. If you have already purchased it, click on the Settings icon to log in. The option to “Try First” is pretty helpful, since it lets you transfer a few items for each file type, and see how the app works before actually purchasing it.
  6. Once you’ve logged in (or opted to try) from the Receiver, the Sender would scan it and send the Receiver a connection request.
  7. Once a connection has been established between the two devices, the Sender displays a screen showing all the content that can be transferred between the two devices. Transferrable content types vary between platforms.
  8. Select the content type you want to transfer and “Start Transfer”. You can Pause/Resume during transfer, you can skip transfer of a certain content type, and you can terminate the transfer process completely.
  9. Transfer is complete

The experience:

What I liked most about SmartIO is the fact that the application was identical across all platforms. This makes it very simple to use; you’ve used it on one platform, you’ve used it on all. Since the display screen shows which content types are transferrable, you don’t have to remember the details.

Another great thing about SmartIO is the fact that it allows transfer of unlimited data, in terms of data size. Doesn’t matter if the amount of content you want to transfer is of 1GB, 10 GB or 100GB; SmartIO can transfer it. Better yet, it does so very quickly.

We found SmartIO to be a rather intelligent content transfer app as it was able to intelligently map differences that existed between address fields of different platforms. SmartIO also ensures that identical contacts are not copied. We found this functionality to be extremely  handy, as one of the most irritating things about transferring content from an old to a new device is when you end up with duplicate contacts in your address book.

When we were transferring videos from Android to iOS, we knew that there were a lot of videos on the Sender that were incompatible with the Receiver. Fortunately, when it came to video transfer, the app notified us that there were some videos that were not in a compatible format, and gave us the provision to convert them. So all the videos, once transferred to the Receiver, were playable on the device.

The app was also able to identify which applications we had downloaded on the Sender, and find those on the app store for the receiving device. After sourcing the matching applications, it asked us whether we wanted to install the same apps on the receiving device or not. If we were a user who was transferring the content from an old smartphone to a new one, we would’ve loved this feature. Because it saves a lot of time, and makes the new phone’s environment as familiar for the user as possible.

The verdict
All in all, we found SmartIO to be a wonderful content transfer app, especially for transfer of contacts, pictures and videos across platforms. We’re happy to say that it delivers what it promises, and when you see its five-star rating, you should know that we’re one of the many who contributed to it.

This Review is written by : Khalid Masood 

Khalid Masood Awan Professional Marketing Professional working at Tech Setup. He loves writing articles on content transfer app ,Tech news, and related news.

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