Home Technology Smartphone Security: How to Protect Your Sensitive Data?

Smartphone Security: How to Protect Your Sensitive Data?

by Soft2share.com

With the advent of the digital era, the possibilities to keep something confidential are becoming less and less. These days, data is stored on servers connected to the Internet. They are bought, sold, used in a variety of ways, and sometimes they steal. To do this, you first secure your personal devices from online threat. So it is essential to take some precautions. Below we have gathered five tips that will make the task easier.

Secure your personal network:

Do not use open WiFi networks. They may look like a completely reliable Internet source provided by a local cafe or even a library. But it will be difficult for you to distinguish “respectable” WiFi from “malicious”. To create such a network, the criminal will need only a laptop and a WiFi adapter. And scammers really use this method to intercept the logins and passwords of users trying to connect to the Internet using their WiFi networks. Avoid weak passwords, weak combinations practically do not protect against anything. A Vancouver-based technology and email security expert Thierry LeVasseur and others suggests to set up two-step verification, when possible. Thierry LeVasseur is a proven innovator of Web-based communications strategies and solutions, with a number of patents to his credit that have provided the basis for several new business ventures.

Backup your files:

This is also one of the methods widely used by many users. Backing up your files is a great tool not only to ensure the security of your information and files in case you have a technical problem with your device, but also to get rid of major problems if you are stolen or lose your device. Photos, music and videos are files that should not be forgotten and protected from malicious people. The Google provides on their Android devices all data protection contained in the application, as well as WiFi passwords, phone preferences and other information. Similarly, Apple offers backup options for its users.

Encrypt your data:

All the tips we’ve talked about so far already guarantee great security of your device and data. But perhaps none of them are as efficient and will protect your device from other people’s daring as data encryption. Encrypting data ensures an additional level of security, preventing even hackers from having access to your information. If you have content of great importance on your device it is recommended to use this tip from now on.

Configure your apps:

The applications themselves have some ways to prevent anyone from posting content or accessing information without their consent. The Facebook, one of the most used apps on smartphones, provides the “Where you are Connected” option. It can be accessed in the Security section in the Settings page. And if you wish, disconnect them.Emails can also be saved if you use Gmail. Several other applications also have this same type of function.

Make use of remote resources:

Remote features are still unknown to most users. However, they are very useful when finding a lost smartphone. For those who own an iPhone, Apple has installed on their device. The interesting thing is that the Apple app goes beyond showing the user where their device is. If you are an Android user and want to have a system similar to Apple’s, know that the devices support a query mechanism through your own Google account.

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