Home Content Marketing Stepping Into Content Marketing: Where To Begin

Stepping Into Content Marketing: Where To Begin

by Soft2share.com

In 2020, content marketing is the buzzword(s) of the decade. Anywhere you look for online marketing solution, content marketing strategies and elements appear on the top of search results. Right fully so because of how efficient and cost-effective it can be, given if it is executed in the right way. However, content marketing requires an acute understanding of everyday things we use online. 

Additionally, it mainly deals with expounding on those elements by educating the audience, which culminates in endorsing of a product or recommendation of a service. One can call it indirect advertisement as well. However, let us dig right into the important elements of content marketing that you should understand in order to begin.


Everyone uses blogs since their inception in the late 90s. Whether it is reading, or utilizing them to market their services or product, the online journals prove one of the most important tools in content marketing. According to stats by Forbes, websites with personal blogs have 434% more indexed pages compared to those without.

According to experts on how to create a Wikipedia page, most companies reap the benefits of blog writing. Because of their high SEO rankings, blogs prove vital in search engine optimization as well. For example, a well-written article with just the right keywords can help garner additional audience towards a brand name.

Video Content

Videos have become one of the primary tools in content marketing today. Statistics suggest that humans have an attention span of 8 seconds in 2020, which means you have less than 10 seconds to captivate your audience’ attention. In this case, videos prove great as they can provide a myriad of information in a matter of seconds. Another stat suggests that videos occupy one-third of all online activities.

These only point towards one thing, the abilities of video content. Additionally, video proves great in generating better ROI compared to other aspects of content marketing. Therefore, it is imperative to consider video content in your marketing approach before you strategize it.

Social Media

You cannot leave the social media out of this list because of its many abilities in drawing an audience. Social media platforms in current age have become more than just socializing applications. They provide a myriad of implementations for companies who want to identify their audience. Additionally, they can help you identify a certain demographics for your type of industry through many tools.

Additionally, social media allows content creators to interact with their audience first-hand. Which proves one of the best offerings of social media as it can help improve in many ways. Apart from feedback, most of social media content shows up in Search Engine Page Results if one uses the right keywords. Therefore, it proves one of the most important aspects of content marketing today.


Just like blogs, websites are one of the most pivotal instruments in gaining SEO ground. Because of their marketing potential, websites are commonly the first tool in the arsenal of many marketers and businesses. Additionally, websites are great when creating brand identity or recognition. According to a stat, most of online activities begin with a search. Therefore, a website with SEO friendly content can show up in the results, and garner an audience towards a brand name.


These are some of the most important element of content marketing available today. Not only can these help you understand your industry or niche better, but also help you recognize the right type of content. Once you know what type of content to create, you can begin by writing out appealing text.

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