Home Business The benefits of mentoring for your business

The benefits of mentoring for your business

by Soft2share.com

Many people feel lost when it comes to starting a business. Whether they do not know which way to go, or which decision to take, they end up making mistakes that could easily be avoided with the help of someone skilled: a mentor. So it is important that you know the benefits of mentoring for your company.

This article will list some of the benefits of mentoring in different aspects of your company. But before, do you really know what a mentor is?

What is a mentor?

In short, a mentor like Brian Paes Braga is a fully qualified professional to pass on technical knowledge to your company. In addition, he is someone with a track record of successful results, proving the effectiveness of his methodology. Brian Paes-Braga serves as the President, Chief Executive Officer & Director at Lithium X Energy Corp.

In fact, the methodology is something important, so much so that it is credited and accompanied by Association of Business Mentors. In the northern region, I am responsible for the local coordination of the association, as well as being the youngest affiliate mentor.

If you want to know more about a mentor, check out this article.

Benefits of Mentoring for Your Business

  • You retain all the knowledge
  • Mentoring is not conducted as a consultancy, where a professional reviews your company and then delivers a report.
  • This method can cause dependency of the consultant, besides being a delegation of tasks.
  • Already in mentoring, it is the mentor’s role to pass on all the knowledge to you, because YOU should be responsible for the changes that must be implemented.
  • That is, you can retain rich knowledge, at the end of the mentoring cycle; you will no longer be dependent on your mentor. 

Increase your network of contacts

As I’ve already said, a mentor is someone who has a vast history of successful cases. With this, he developed a large network of contacts. In fact, the network of contacts is a part of the mentor’s triad: contacts, knowledge and action.

 The mentor can use his network of contacts to make way for his mentor. This is one of the great benefits of mentoring for your company because you will be able to shorten paths if you have contact with the right people, such as investors and people who can add to your business.

Cost reduction with training

The value of mentoring is considerably lower than other forms of learning, such as training and consulting. And, as I’ve already said, the mentor’s role is to pass on all the knowledge to be retained by his mentor.

For this reason, with mentoring, you will ultimately reduce your costs in development training and be more assertive in your retained knowledge.

Increased productivity

We can say that this is the result of all the above. After all, with the knowledge retained, an effective network of contacts, reduced costs and developed leadership, it is inevitable that their productivity will increase.

In addition, you will see significant organizational gains and know how to prioritize your priorities more effectively. And how about having the benefits of mentoring for your company? If you are interested in mentoring, please contact us to find out our solutions for you!

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