Home Softwares This Way You Can Shield Your Computer Against Malware

This Way You Can Shield Your Computer Against Malware

by Soft2share.com

You surf the internet and unsuspectingly click on a link. Suddenly you see a black screen and your computer is not working anymore. Your computer is infected with malware, or malicious software. Find out how to protect yourself from malware.

Malware is a collective term for various types of malicious software. It enters your computer when, for example, you visit hacked websites, download illegal software, or open a malicious email attachment. Examples of malware are viruses, ransomware, Trojan horses and spyware.

Big consequences

An infection of your computer or other digital device with malware can have major consequences. For example, cyber criminals can use malware to steal your bank and login details or find out privacy-sensitive information, such as your credit card number. It allows invaders to silently disable your antivirus software. Then your computer is no longer protected and malicious programs can enter your computer. That way, for example, your computer can become part of a botnet without you noticing. This is a network of computers that is controlled remotely by criminals, for example to distribute phishing messages or to carry out DDos attacks.

Recognize malware

You do not always immediately realize that your computer is infected with malware. Malware analysis summarize following signals may infect your computer with malicious software:

  • Your computer just shuts down and you can no longer start up
  • Your computer is lazy
  • The internet speed is slower than normal
  • Programs on your computer no longer work
  • Unwanted programs are automatically installed on your computer

Types of malware

There are different types of malware depending upon there nature. Following are common:


Adware is a combination of ‘advertising’ and ‘malware’, or advertising malware. Adware shows you unwanted advertising when you visit websites. The most well-known form of adware is the ad pop-up window. With luck, adware is only annoying. But if you’re unlucky, click on a malicious adware ad that corrupts your Wi-Fi network security settings, for example. This makes your network vulnerable and cyber criminals can hack into your computer system.


With ransomware, cyber criminals lock your computer files. You can no longer use your files. The crooks impend to delete your files unless you pay a money. They often demand an amount in cryptocurrency, such as bitcoin.

Ransomware can get into your computer when you open a malicious file, such as an email attachment. A leak in your computer due to non-updated software also allows ransomware to enter. In the latter case, the ransomware enters your computer without you clicking on anything yourself. Other terms for ransomware are crypto ware or ransomware.

Trojan horse

This form of malware is named after the famous wooden horse. With this, Greek soldiers entered the city of Troy to open the city gates from the inside. A Trojan horse is a malicious software program that appears harmless at first glance. This is often sent as an attachment to an email or hidden in programs that you download. A hacker gains access to your computer through the malicious program. He can then edit, copy or delete data on your computer’s hard drive, often without you realizing it.


It is a type of malware that hackers use to spy on you. This makes it possible to follow your activities on the internet unnoticed. Cyber ​​criminals, for example, steal your passwords and bank details to commit fraud.


A computer virus is a dangerous software program that infects your computer. The virus can copy itself to other files on your computer and then spread to other computers. Dissemination is not automatic, but through user actions. For example, when you unsuspectingly email a file that you do not know is infected with the virus. When the recipient opens the infected file, the virus also becomes active on their computer. A virus can wreak havoc on software and files on your computer. For example, when the virus removes or distributes sensitive data.


A computer worm is a form of malware that infects computers and automatically spreads itself across your computer network. Unlike a computer virus, a worm does not need to be installed by a user. The worm uses weaknesses in networks and operating systems to deliver malicious software. A computer worm usually enters through emails, malicious links, or an infected USB stick.

Tips against malware

Stay one step ahead of cyber criminals and protect your business from malware. Following are few measures

  • Do not download and install illegal software
  • Install antivirus programs
  • Keep your software updated
  • Being a LAN gamer, always use trusted LAN gaming VPN services
  • Don’t click on links in emails or on websites you don’t trust
  • Use an advertising filter or adblocker
  • Make regular backups of your computer files and keep them in an external place

Protect your business against cybercrime

There are various tools that you can use to protect your company against forms of cybercrime such as malware. With the basic cyber resilience scan of the Digital Trust Center (DTC) you reduce the cyber risks in your company. The scan consists of questions about the security of your company. Based on your answers, you will receive feedback to improve your security. The DTC was founded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate and helps companies with secure digital business.

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