Home Android Tips On Developing Hybrid Apps With Ionic Framework

Tips On Developing Hybrid Apps With Ionic Framework

by Soft2share.com

Suppose you make a decision of getting into the world of mobile apps and wish to choose this path.

What is the first thing that you would look for?

If your answer was: “The Right Framework” then you are right!

With mobile app development becoming the latest trend, there is an ample number of frameworks, technologies and languages that are available in the market. One of which is a hybrid mobile development with ionic framework.

Hybrid Mobile App Development with Ionic framework tends to guarantee the speed of web advancement along with a customized mobile experience that tends to enter via local portable application improvement. These ionic frameworks are operated with the help of HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript web measures and work inside a compartment that allows the user to be introduced likewise to a local application.

In this article, we are going to help the developers and various App Development Company to analyze the benefits of choosing hybrid apps with ionic framework. But first, let’s get into the details and see what this term is, and what can it offer to the developers.

Let’s find out!

Ionic Framework and for Hybrid Apps


Before you start to Hire App Developer and tell them about your future goals, you need to know what exactly is the Ionic Framework.

An MIT licenced and frontend platform, Ionic framework is one of the very first choices that every app developer should select. Ionic is a node module that tends to help the user with the construction of creating, building and packaging up of the hybrid mobile app. One of the main focus of ionic app development is on the frontend UI interaction. Not only this but one of the best features of the Ionic framework is that it can easily integrate with other libraries and frameworks. Other times Ionic framework tends to provide the users with benefits like:

1. Across Platform

If you aim to develop an app that can operate across various platforms rather than focusing on one single operating system like iOS, Android, Windows then the ionic framework is the one for you. With the option of languages giving an ability to convert from OS to other ionic structures, this platforms appears to be a whole new experience for the users. Rather than choosing a hybrid language instead of the native language, the user needs to spend some time and money in developing the app for each platform.

2. Independent Framework

Ionic is the platform that tends to be recognized as the platform-specific seasoned CSS that is equivalent to the native appearance and sense on various mobile operating system. It tends to decrease the provision of the codes of mobile-optimized HTML JS and CSS components. Aside from this, Ionic includes into AngularJS, which transforms into a sturdy structure that executes code more flexible.

3. Based on AngularJS

With regards to constructing mobile and app web applications, AngularJS is a broadly preferred framework for designers. The extensions to the HTML structure of the sentence offers angularJS a beneficial mobile app designer. The ionic structure utilizes AngularJS to provide a bunch of central functionalities to the designer to incorporate alluring components into the application. AngularJS is one of the ideal approaches to construct program based applications with the help of Ionic structure; versatile designers can make hybrid applications and web applications.

4. It is Free

One of the most significant benefits of the ionic framework is that the user can develop an app for free. Usually, the user needs to spend a lot of money on a frame, but with the ionic framework, the user doesn’t need to spend a single penny. Instead, they can spend that money on research and marketing campaigns that would be much more useful than spending a considerable sum of amount on app development.

5. Cordova Plugins

Plugins are categorized as one of the most useful and essential features in the developing eCommerce mobile app. If the user is new to the whole scenario and you are not familiar with the code, then the plugin is the one for you. This piece of code is coded in javascript, which is connected to the app that leads to enabling the user to obtain different features of a working system. The ionic framework uses Cordova Plugins that allows the user to enter various functions of an executing system, like Camera, Battery, Geo Location, and so on. Such a plugin grants the user to build an app that can lead its optimal performance capacity by applying one or more of these pieces of the running system.

6. The Community

Even if the Mobile App Creator thinks that he/she is a pro on the website, mobile app development is a hard walk. So if the users are brand new to the Ionic framework and Angular, the user would require all the help that they can get. There will be various problems that the user might face when they are acquiring an Ionic app. All thanks, to the robust Ionic community and supporters, the working and enthusiastic developers and users of the community are always available to assist the user with any problems and issues. They are a powerful group of characters as they continue to post and update about the Ionic framework.

How to Develop Hybrid Apps With Ionic Framework?

For developing Hybrid Apps with Ionic Framework you need to Hire Mobile App Developer that is efficient and their work and knows these following steps.


Starting up the project

The very first thing which the user needs to do is install ionic and make sure that they have an updated version of Node.js installed on the system.

Next, the user needs to open a terminal or a command interpreter (cmd, Windows), and install Cordova and Ionic.

Next, the user needs to link this new Ionic project with the reference repository on Github, and they also need to set up some stuff before they start operating on the Ionic project.


Ionic Template and AngularJS navigation

  • Next, the user needs to define the custom routing for the app that tends to utilize the AngularJS UI-route

  • Next, they need to modify the layout of the views using HTML


Speakers Layout

  • The user needs to explore the Ionic components

  • Next, all they need to do is construct various components to acquire the UI they have.


Venue Layout

  • Use the web stack to build mobile apps

  • Reuse AngularJS directives in our app


Agenda Layout

  • The user then needs to utilize some of the advanced components that influence tabs for the mobile app layout.


Angular JS data access

  • Next, they need to reuse what is already known via AngularJS (controllers, services, directives, filters) in the Ionic app

  • And then they need to acquire data from various other data sources


Cordova Plugins

  • This is the step that tends to provide superpowers to the app that are utilizing Cordova plugins

  • They tend to present a more polished look to the app that uses Ionic UX components



  • Next, they are granted with a professional and polished look to the app

  • The user can use some of the outstanding features of Sass (mixins, variables, etc.)

In the Nutshell

By now, we know  the Ionic framework is the de-facto platform that helps various mobile applications to construct a hybrid app. As the requirement to secure and low-cost mobile apps proceed to grow, they’re unavoidably running to maintain their place. Thus if the user requires to create an especially superb app or needs to conduct any Cross Platform App Development, then these are sufficient points for the user to make them satisfy.

We hope that this article has provided you with the necessary information and data. If you have any doubts regarding the following topic, then you can write to us. Leave a comment in the comment section below; our experts would provide you with adequate solution and answers.

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