Home Blogging Top 10 Best Blogs for Startups

Top 10 Best Blogs for Startups

by Soft2share.com

The best startup blogs tend to be the ones where the author is currently living the life of a startup. These people offer real-timereflections, advice, and other nuggets of information from which their entire community can benefit.Our society highly values time, and the last thing anybody needs is more clutter in their inbox, so how can we determine which blogs to subscribe?Below are our picks for the top 10 most beneficial startup blogs to follow:

  1. Amish Shah – “The Millennium Search Blog”. This blog is led by Millennium Search CEO Amish Shah, a veteran in the technology recruiting industry and an entrepreneur to the core. When Venture Capital firms and C-level executives need to find that Game Changer to add to theirteam, they call Amish.Follow his blog to discover things like why passionate employees are essential for your startup.
  2. Neil Patel – “QuickSprout”. Neil Patel was recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by President Obama and one of the top 100 entrepreneurs under the age of 35 by the United Nations. He’s also extremely responsive to his readers and is an open-book when it comes to sharing his experiences. Neil provides intelligent tips for marketing your business, like how to increase traffic to your website.
  3. Jason Goldberg – “Betashop”. Goldberg is CEO of flash designer sales site FAB. Tap his blog for information on what it’s really like to work at any fast-growing startup.
  4. Ryan Carson – “The Naïve Optimist”. Carson is founder and CEO of Treehouse, a startup with a goal of bringing affordable web design and development education to entrepreneurs everywhere. Follow him and find out why there are no bosses at Treehouse.
  5. Technorati. You’ve likely heard of Technorati, and it’s no wonder why it’s a great pick for this list. If you are new to their following, begin with Lessons from a Startup.
  6. Ben Milne. Following Ben Milne gives you more than just insight; it gives you an entire experience filled with images, inspiration quotes, videos, and more, which is great for those who have a tough time reading large blocks of text. Milne is current CEO and Founder of Dwolla, a company with a mission to “allow anyone [or anything connected to the internet to move money quickly, safely, and at the lowest cost possible.”
  7. Danielle Morrill. Morrill is the brains behind Refer.ly, a referral system and social shopping platform. And, since Refer.ly is currently switching gears, you might say there’s no better time to follow this blog.
  8. Marco Arment. As Founder of Instapaper (and previous developer for Tumblr), Arment is no stranger to the startup scene. He blogs almost every other day, so you’ll know you are reading fresh content.
  9. Kate Kendall. Kate Kendall is CEO of The Fetch, a site which curates the “best events, news, cool jobs, and must reads all in one place” for today’s professionals. The Fetch has a global reach, and Kendall was named one of the Top 30 Digital Influencers in 2012 by the Australian Government Trade Commission.
  10. Ethan Austin – “Startups and Burritos”.Austin’s blog is pure motivation; perfect for entrepreneurs looking to set fire to their ideas. He’s particularly great about helping his readers concentrate on goals and learn from his mistakes: “Startups rarely die for a lack of ideas.  But they often die for a lack of focus.”

Did we leave any start-up blogs off the list? Have any feedback on any of these blogs? We’d love to hear from our audience!

About the Author This article written by Patwal, writer at Jobsdna.in, an Indian job portal site.

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