Home Education Top 7 Professional Summary Generators for Everyone

Top 7 Professional Summary Generators for Everyone

by Soft2share.com

One of the critical writing skills you will master in school is proper summarization. Itā€™s a technique where you condense the main points of a piece of writing.

To do it effectively, you need to read through the content. Identify its key points and write them down in brief.

What happens if you donā€™t have the time to do all the above? Then comes a professional summary generator.

It is a writing tool that uses an advanced algorithm to develop summaries of documents. Below is a list of top summary creator you should check out:

Best Summary Generators

1. Summarizing.biz

Itā€™s an ideal tool for a minimalist summarizer. That is, your only goal is to get a clear and simple summary of a particular text. More so, the result is clean and comfortable to read.

It free to use and suited for students. It works by capturing the main points of the text and rank them according to importance.

2. Resoomer

This online tool allows you to summarize an article in 1 click. It identifies the essential ideas in the document and summarizes them. Thus, giving you an output to skim through.

Summarizing Tools with additional features

3. AutoSummarizer

Have you been given a specific word count limit to reach? Well, this tool allows you to set the desired length of the summary. Also, you can order their services if you need human summarization services.

4. Tools4noobs

If you are looking for a tool that offers you more than just summarizing, this could be it. You can specify the minimum number of characters that a word or sentence can have. You also have the option of instructing the tool to highlight any keywords in the summarized text.

Itā€™s best suited for summarizing HTML pages. As the tool identifies the HTML elements in the text and uses them to split the sentences.

5. SummarizeThis

Not only does this tool allows you to change the length of your text, but you can also share the result on social media. That is if you are generating content for your social media account.

It has an easy to use interface with a good layout. Also, the product of the service has proper spacing. Saves you time on making formatting changes.

Get More Value with these Summarizing Tools

6. Split Brain

No need to panic just because you want to summarize content thatā€™s not in English. Split Brain summarizes the text in a variety of languages (39). It allows for URL and text input.

You can also change the density of the paraphrasing. Itā€™s referred to as the summarization ratio. Select keywords if you want the main ideas in the content highlighted.

7. Summarize Bot

This AI-powered tool allows you to summarize links, audio, images, documents, and more. It extracts crucial parts of the content and shares the results in real time. You can use it to get news summaries on a particular subject.

So, you no longer have to go through long and sometimes dull and repetitive texts. Its keyword extraction features help you understand the content in no time. Also, itā€™s a downloadable app, and you can use it anytime, anywhere.

When to use a Summary Creator?

If you donā€™t have time to go through lengthy pieces of text or need a summary. Many of these tools, allow you to customize the output, to meet your specified needs. Be it getting brief descriptions of the news or a simple overview of a text.

So, find a tool that matches your requirements and allocate more time to synthesizing the main points of your content.

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