Home Apple Top Reasons Why You Should Buy a Mac or MacBook

Top Reasons Why You Should Buy a Mac or MacBook

by Soft2share.com

Why would you choose a Mac and not for an everyday PC? We give you 10 reasons why a Mac should consider a Mac.

It is a frequently asked question, that why should you actually buy a Macbook? There are many reasons why you should choose an Apple computer. Not for nothing are Apple fans so loyal to their brand, no other computer brand in the world does that to them. The main reasons why people are so crazy about Macs are already listed here.

1. Hardware & software integration

The Software for the Mac is made specifically for its hardware, so everything runs smoothly. Your Mac starts up in no time, even 5 years after purchase. That while Windows is made for countless different hardware configurations, and that makes Windows much logger and slower.

2. macOS

The operating system of Apple macOS has an excellent reputation. macOS is fast, stable and very user-friendly. For those who switch from Windows, customizing is not that difficult and you can also install Windows on your Mac for those who wish it. But hey, who wants Windows on his Mac if you have macOS.

3. Apple eco system

For those who already own an iPad or iPhone, the Mac is the computer you need. Thanks to a system that Apple calls “Handoff” you can continue on your Mac without any problem with what you were doing on your iPhone. Think of typing on an email, surfing on your iPhone, but that site is not clear on your iPhone? No problem in 1 click surf on your Mac. Someone calls you on your phone but you only have your Mac in the neighborhood, answer that phone call with 1 click on your Mac. Send text messages via your Mac, unlock your Mac with your Apple Watch. You can not think of it so crazy, it all goes seamlessly, without having to install anything. It works out of the box!

4. The price (Yes really!)

Whether you believe it or not, an iMac or MacBook (Pro) is really cheaper in the long run than a typical computer. This for different reasons, of course the purchase price of a Mac is more expensive than a typical computer, but you have to view the complete picture.

A Mac on average lasts much longer than a regular computer, and its second-hand value or trade-in value is much higher than that of a PC. Moreover, you are at the right place to buy your iMac or MacBook at the lowest possible price.

5. Viruses, or the lack thereof

We are not going to claim that there are no viruses for the Mac, they are indeed there. But in far fewer numbers than for Windows. Actually, I personally have never been confronted with a virus or spyware, malware, in my 7 years that I use a Mac.

6. Upgrades and updates

Do you have a Windows computer now? Are you tired of this loss of time due to updates? MacOS updates every two months, usually your Mac does that even at night while you do not need your Mac. In addition, the annual upgrades are always free!

7. Building quality

Apple’s build quality is almost unseen in its sector. The aluminum housing ensures that the appliances feel more than decent.

8. Image quality

Apple Macs have an unprecedented picture quality. The 27 inch 5K iMac, the 21 inch 4K iMac and the retina screens of the MacBook Pro are the showpieces . An image quality that few other PC manufacturers can match.

9. Customer service

The support from Apple and the after-sales service are also of a top level. A question about your Mac? Simply walk into the Apple Store in Brussels. You can even get a free image editing course!

10. Customer satisfaction

Users of iMac’s and Macbook’s are usually very satisfied with their products, in the IT sector Apple users are the most satisfied users. You know what they say “Once you go Mac, you never go Back!”

Many people doubt whether they would buy a Mac. That is not necessary, Apple ensures that a switch from Windows runs smoothly. So if you’re a mac user and looking for an upgraded model or MacBook Pro, then you can easily sell your old MacBook to finance the new one. Don’t worry because you don’t have to place your ad anywhere. All you need to do is just a click on https://macback.co.uk/sell-mac/. Here at Macback you can easily sell your old mac in best reasonable price in just few minutes. We can assure you that you will undoubtedly find the best price for your Mac at MacBack.

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