Home Featured Top sump pump alarms and what to look for while choosing one!

Top sump pump alarms and what to look for while choosing one!

by Soft2share.com

Sump pump alarms hold a crucial role that every sump pump owner/user should be well-versed with. Choosing the right alarm is a must to ensure you are alerted when your pump stops working. To save you the hard work, we’ve compiled some information, that will help you skim through your options and only choose theĀ top sump pump alarms.Ā 

1. WIFI Connection

All models do not come with wifi connectivity, so it is a must for you to check properly before choosing your alarm. A wireless network connection is a newer feature that enables you to receive alerts via the internet whenever a flood-like situation arises. This feature is especially a great help for people who are not present in their homes 24/7 or for landlords who need to be alarmed right away when their property is being flooded. This wireless connection allows the alarm system to alert you via a phone call and makes everything convenient. 

2. Loudness level 

The loudness of the alarm is up to you and should depend on the depth or location of your basement. If your basement is really deep or located outside, you’ll need an alarm that is easily audible from a distance. The loudest alarms are around 90 dB loud. So, be sure to find one with a sound level that is loud enough to be heard from any corner of the house. 

3. Battery backup

Battery backups are crucial to avoid being helpless in situations, where there are light blackouts for hours on end. So, if you live in an area where the chances of thunderstorms and frequent blackouts are common, we recommend going with a battery-powered alarm system.

4. Multi-Functionality

Now anyone would love some additional benefits. Alarms are no different. There are some really good alarms that not only detect water levels but also have other functions such as mold detection, etc. So, multi-functionality is a bonus that you might want to consider while weighing your options. 

Do you really need an alarm? 

Prevention is better than cure. We’ve all heard of this phrase at least once in our lifetime, and a pump alarm is no exception. Instead of paying hefty amounts on damage repair, it’s a good idea to bear a little more expenses and install an alarm that is loud enough to be heard and will notify you of the rising water levels and save you all the hassle of damage repair. 

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