Home Health Top Tips for Improving Your Oral Health

Top Tips for Improving Your Oral Health

by Soft2share.com

Most people today are aware of the need to maintain the best health possible in order to live healthily for as long as possible. What many are not aware of, however, is the important part that good oral health plays in our overall health and wellbeing.

Too many people fall into the same easily avoidable pitfalls; neglecting their teeth and gums to the point of having to seek out dental treatment for problems that arise and which go on to affect other aspects of their health. This can be avoided when you have the right information to hand.

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Read on for tips given by Bosden Farm Dental on how to maintain and improve your oral health.

Cut Down on Sugar

This is the number one tip which dentists the world over never tire of giving. The type of food and drink you consume has a massive effect on your teeth. The sugars that you find in sweets and fizzy drinks, as well as those hidden sugars that we often forget about in fruits, sauces and processed foods, can all eventually cause decay, plaque, cavities and missing teeth.

Try to limit the amount of sugar you consume and try to increase the amount of water you drink after consuming sugary food or drinks to wash away any sugary residue and limit the potential damage.

Be Careful of Hard Foods

Things like hard-boiled sweets or chewy toffee can cause teeth to crack or break, or possibly lead to fillings to come loose. If you suspect you may have damaged your teeth in this way, it’s best to see your dentist as soon as possible.

Maintain a Regular Brushing and Flossing Routine

Brushing your teeth properly twice daily using fluoride toothpaste is essential to keep your teeth and your mouth healthy. Replace your toothbrush the minute you notice the bristles splaying out. Floss between the teeth every day using an appropriate dental floss and interdental brushes; these can remove particles from between the teeth that a toothbrush simply can’t reach.

Remember not to brush too hard, as this could inflame the gums and make them bleed. If you are at all worried about bleeding gums, or about any aspect of your dental health then makes an appointment with your dentist. They’ll be able to examine you to check for any issues which may be occurring or possibly catch issues before they occur and offer you treatment or advice accordingly.

Other Ways to Look After Your Oral Health

When you’re out of the home all day it can be difficult to keep to your oral hygiene routine. Try chewing sugar-free gum after eating to stimulate the production of saliva to wash away oral bacteria.

Avoid smoking – tobacco stains your teeth, leaving them looking unsightly and causing bad breath. Smoking can significantly increase the risk of gum disease and oral cancer. If you smoke, consider seeking advice from a health professional or smoking cessation service for help on quitting.

If you like to play particularly physical sports such as rugby or boxing, make sure you use a mouth guard to protect your teeth. You can buy one of these at your local sports shop or have your dentist custom make one for you for added comfort and safety. A blow to the mouth can result in loss of or permanent damage to teeth, so take as much care as possible to protect them.

Stay Vigilant

Follow a healthy diet that features less sugar and more healthy nutrients like omega 3 and calcium, and always remember to brush and floss daily.

Looking after your teeth is a lifetime commitment and one that is worth making for the rewards it offers – good health and a sparkling smile. Make regular check-up appointments with your dentist to keep your oral health in tip-top condition.

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