Home Finance Types Of Equipment Financing that can help borrowers

Types Of Equipment Financing that can help borrowers

by Soft2share.com

It is imperative to note that the equipment financing is a type of the business financing which allows for getting the appropriate capital for purchasing or taking a lease of equipment. This scheme is not only for the farmers and it can also be used for buying office equipment like the desks, computers and the servers and also  heavy machineries  like tractors, delivery trucks or the backhoes. This scheme gives an opportunity for the businessmen or borrowers of using these kinds of assets for their own or commercial purpose without paying full price. These types of equipment financing which is gaining immense popularity are helps a lot of people who are starting a new business or working as farmers. There are numerous types of the equipment financing, but before you choose the perfect one you must have a knowledge about that. Let’s have a look on the types of the equipment financing.

Commercial Hire Purchase

In commercial hire purchase, the person who borrows the finance from the lender agrees to purchase the equipment which l he needs for the business. In this scheme the businessmen have to hire the property from the lender for few months on repayment basis and for the specific period of time. In this scheme the ownership belongs to the lender throughout the plan, but ownership automatically transfers to the borrower once he repays the principle and loan amount completely. This scheme is the best for the business who wants the better cash flow.

Lease Of Equipment

Taking equipment on lease is way better than the purchasing the equipment for year and year. All the business needs to upgrade their equipment periodically, so why should you purchase the equipment and waste the hard earned money when you can hire the equipment on the lease basis and enjoy maximum benefits for several months or years. Beside the huge capital investment, you must keep in mind that the equipment which you purchase will depreciate on its own which will result in big financial loss.

Chattel Mortgage

This equipment financing type describes the arrangement where the borrower will have to purchase the movable asset by taking the loan from the lender. This chattel serves as the security in the case of borrower fails to pay the security amount. In the case of chattel mortgage the ownership of the product or the equipment right after the purchases is enjoyed by the buyer of the property. But the lender takes a mortgage over the property as security and once the buyer repays the amount fully the ownership will be automatically transferred to him. In this case the borrower cannot own the property legally unless the loan is fully paid off.

Rental Of The Equipment

Besides investing a huge amount on the equipment which is going to suffer heavy depreciation within months from the time of purchase, the buyer has to spend lavishly toward equipment upgrade after a point of time which is nothing but national waste. If you are wise investor, you must rent your equipment for some period of time, it is advisable for 1 year because the equipment depreciates or loses it sheen after a year. You can save your money when you choose this option since there are lots and lots of equipment financing companies which offers this scheme of rentals of the products and equipment for some years.

Taking Loans

You can also take loans for the purchasing the equipment from the equipment financing companies, these are the schemes which will be very must beneficial for the new businessmen and for the farmers to cultivate the new type of products in the simplest way.


These are some types of the equipment financing and you must check out all the criteria for choosing the loans or the schemes for your products. This scheme is much friendlier than the other loans in an illegal way which will harm you afterwards.

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