Home Education UAE’s Battle for Educational Superiority

UAE’s Battle for Educational Superiority

by Soft2share.com

UAE struck gold when it discovered oil at the Murban Bab Oil Field in the year 1958. The discovery of oil-injected a lot of money into the UAE’s economy which inevitably led to its rapid development. Now after such a massive injection into the economy, the UAE looked towards the Western world to see how they have been progressing without any oil reservoirs. To their surprise, the western world was more focused on skillset rather than natural resources. Studying the western way of life made the UAE realize the need to gradually shift their dependence from natural resources to its people. Hence it began an aggressive campaign towards the health and education of its people.

Along with its increasing investment into health and education, the budget was spent on social security and infrastructure development to cater to its people. The students were sent abroad to gain higher education so that they avail the knowledge from the first world countries. This resulted in more international businesses and trade giving access to the UAE and highly skilled people of UAE getting selected for the said jobs. Next task on hand for UAE was to ensure that their teachers are not subpar when compared to those of the United States of America or the United Kingdom.

The Educational revolution

To bring up their teaching standards, in 2017, A teachers licensing system in UAE was introduced. The sole purpose of this system is to develop and maintain a population of intellectuals and ensure that the highest quality of education to its future generations. The teachers licensing system UAE narrative is to license all teachers according to the highest standards in tutelage and specializing in the subject they teach in the future. With the success and overwhelming response of appreciation of the system, it has been decided to make the system a requirement for every teacher in the UAE to take a teaching license by the end of the year 2020.

How to be a teacher in the UAE

To be a teacher in the UAE, one pass through the criteria mentioned by the ministry of education. The Following are the UAE Ministry of Education requirements:

  •  The applicant must carry a degree of at least a bachelors degree or a 4-year university degree or higher in the required field they teach in.
  • They should not have committed any sort of crime
  • Their medical fitness report from within the UAE
  • Original education certificates
  • Attested certificates of the degree in case of the applicant studying from abroad. The certificate must be attested by the ministry of foreign affairs and international cooperation and the country of origin’s embassy in the UAE


  • How do I get a license to teach in the UAE?

To get a teaching license, one must meet the minimum criteria mentioned by the ministry of education and be registered within the TLS system.

  • What if I have an international teaching license?

The TLS registration form contains the international license section where the applicant must provide the required documents. The application will be reviewed by a professional committee to determine if the license is recognized or not.

  • Can I get my license online?

No, currently there is no online license certification within the UAE, the only way to attain a license is through the TLS examinations.

  • Is it mandatory to avail the license?

Yes, the ministry of education has made it mandatory for all those who wish to teach in the UAE, to avail the license by the end of the year 2020

  • What is the registration cost for the license?

There is no cost for one to register for the license

  • How long does my license last?

The license validity ranges from one to three years based on the holder’s experience, qualification and test scores

  • What if I fail the test?

In case of failure in the exam, the examinee will have two more attempts and a mandatory training course for them to reappear in the examination in a period of 24 months

  • When will the results be announced and how can I view my results?

The outcomes will be declared one month after the test date, aside from new subject tests which will be reported three months from the test date. The results can be viewed on the ministry of educations’ website.

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