Home Health VR: An alternate approach to scary & painful healthcare procedures

VR: An alternate approach to scary & painful healthcare procedures

by Soft2share.com

Health apps now rule the medical industry powered by technologies such as AR and VR being accepted for their potential to mitigate chronic pain without any painkillers or entering the ominous hospital environment.

Taking the technology to the next level in the realm of healthcare is a Los Angeles based company, carrying just the potential to comprehensive and immersive VR experience. Here’s how it tends to change the medical platform!

Implementing technology to routine care is long & tedious
An average online new consumer usually bumps into amazing scientific breakthroughs and medical innovations almost every day. Researchers recently developed and AI that can detect Alzheimer almost 10 years earlier than actual doctors through various symptoms.

Yet another breakthrough came forth with Canadian scientists using 3D printing tech for regeneration of the cardiac muscle tissue. Indeed, health apps powered by VR have the potential of bringing a radical change to medical industry and the way online doctor consultation is performed.

What’s more surprising is these accomplishments have already made their way in hospital procedures and laboratories producing likewise results. However, implementation is a real challenge which is extremely time taking and difficult; not to mention training of specialists, usability and success factors based on many different elements.

Of these, human factor is more significant. Despite the common belief, successful implantation and acceptance of ground-breaking medical technologies isn’t just harnessing the technology but coping with the human component.

Besides, what’s good an innovation if you’ve no idea on how to use it! Missing the key skills for using and application of tech into routine care is the biggest challenge faced by the healthcare industry of the 21st century. Virtual Reality (VR) is an amazing example to overcome all these trials.

Bringing VR to the patients: The approach
Different cartoons and animations such as virtual squirrels searching for nuts around you, players/gamers dashing virtual enemies in an around huge castles; these are a few common examples of VR in the entertainment industry. But how can it bring such an optimistic change to the healthcare?

Many different doctors partnered with tech researchers experimented with Virtual Reality (VR) and have already treated numerous patients with the VR therapy and health apps powered by such a technology. The use of VR amongst the hospitalised patients has proved significant reduction pain and rather a controlled distraction condition.

Another experiment performed on more or less a hundred patients’ revealed optimistic result. They were shown a 15-minute video of beautiful mountains, streams, heavenly scenery accompanied by serene music after which there was a 13-percent drop in pain level.

Many different VR devices were used from the simplest cardboard to highly sophisticated Oculus and the results came out better each time. Patients exposed to the technology show signs of less dizziness however; the real issue or challenge isn’t just the technology but the approach taken for the treatment.

Flawless VR devices, amazing health apps
Diving into pre-installed VR content and apps on the phone is easy with supportive devices. You may work along with different medical apps, games, animations and movies. VR has the potential to immerse a user completely thereby significantly reducing the chronic pain and returns a patient into quite a normal state.

Ignore the price tag for once
Perhaps the only drawback of VR technology is exorbitant price tag which starts with least $2,600 approximately and further app support with improved performance for above $3,700. Onsite training and prioritised support is provided with this super cost which is a real deal in itself. In fact, there’re established institutes where VR equipment and training is provided as a component of intensive care in the medical industry for almost $35,000.

All in all, VR is an excellent approach for effective medical purposes and therapies. One can garner exceptional results only with sufficient knowledge of the technology and how it can be used on different patients for every individual comes with a different medical anomaly so a customised approach is taken.

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