Home Designing What are the Best Creative Bookshelf Designs for Your Home?

What are the Best Creative Bookshelf Designs for Your Home?

by Soft2share.com

Author Bio: Adam loves playing around with his home interior, whether he’s coming up with creative bookshelf ideas or installing sliding wardrobe doors, he always has something going on at home as he aims to improve its’ appearance and feel.


Even those of us who wouldn’t necessarily consider ourselves ‘house proud’ spend some time ensuring that the rooms in our house look welcoming and friendly. However, with a little extra effort, it is possible to get an extra 10% out of each room, and an accumulation of this in every room can double the impact that your home can have, both on yourself when you get home from a long day at work, as well as on any visitors to your home.

The biggest problem many of us have when it comes to home improvements is that we’ll spend time choosing a great colour for our walls, and then let ourselves down with boring, bland furniture choices. One typical example of such furniture is the bookcase. All too often, rooms look great, only to have a boring, personality-free bookcase from IKEA or another furniture store that can drag down the feeling of the whole room, and as a result, the whole home.

Here are some great ideas for creative bookshelf ideas that will give something different and unusual to all the rooms in your house.

Folding Bookshelves

These are an incredible idea, and are perfect for avoiding the dreaded appearance where you have a full shelf and only one book on it. These work by fitting a wooden beam to the wall, before adding additional pieces of wood that can be opened – unfolded – when you have books, or a plant, or anything else, to put on there.

You need to make sure you come up with a use for them, however, or you’re just going to end up with wood nailed onto your wall for no apparent reason.

Rolling Bookshelves

A quirky alternative to folding shelves is to go for rolling ones instead. Same sort of principle; although there is a central part of the shelf that is permanently fitted, with rolled wood on one or both ends which can be extended when you grow your collection.

Bookshelf and Bench Combinations

There are various incarnations of this product available. The idea is that you start with a bench or a chair, and then build shelves around it where you can store books and other belongings. These range from circular products that have a chair or even a hammock in the middle, with shelving boxes organized around the chair, to simpler ideas that are literally a park bench or something similar with shelves fitted around them.

Imagine a bus shelter fitted out with shelves, and you start to get an idea of what you can create, albeit probably on a smaller scale for your living area!

Wire Shelves

This isn’t something we necessarily thought we’d love, but love it we do. The idea is astonishingly simple; two pieces of wood fitted to the wall, two parallel high-tension wires pulled between them. For added impact, wood can be fitted across the wall and several pieces of wire used to create various shapes and patterns if you want more than a simple up and down design. This is a great idea for freshening up your home and making things a little different.

Creative Bookshelves

If your bookshelf, or any furniture, for that matter, isn’t adding anything to your room, then why have it? Look for alternative and creative ideas for bringing something with a touch of panache and flair to your home, and never again look at your bookshelves as something merely good for collecting dust.


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