Home SEO What Happens If You Discontinue Website SEO Abruptly?

What Happens If You Discontinue Website SEO Abruptly?

by Soft2share.com

Nothing is constant in the world of SEO, as Google keeps on updating the policies and algorithms. The objective is to ensure the provision of most relevant search results to the users. As a response, the website owners have to make an effort to ensure up-to-date and relevant information to comply with users’ intent.

The majority of people, mainly the clients, frequently ask a question to their SEO services providers that “what is the appropriate time duration for keep doing the search engine optimization for a website?” The way of asking seems pretty novice and innocent, but it is the most important question from the business point of view. The answer, however, sets the foundation of a long, long term relationship between the experts and the clients.

If you are thinking to stop SEO for your website, think again! Read the post to get a clear idea of how it will impact your website at large.

The Impact of Stopping SEO Campaign of Your Website

The present situation of uncertainty owing to the widespread of COVID-19 has compelled many people to shrink their business expenses quickly. As a response, a few businessmen have started thinking to stop SEO and other marketing campaigns. However, it is not a wise decision as you shouldn’t stop SEO amidst growing coronavirus concerns.

It is imperative to understand that website requires optimization to meet the aspirations of users across the world. SEO is similar to working out at the gym. It means that you have to maintain a proper routine without skipping a single day. Only then will you be able to see a difference.  It will cause a disturbance in shape and performance if you stop it abruptly.

Let’s consider the outcomes of stopping SEO:

A significant drop in traffic

You will be shocked to know that even a single day of no SEO efforts can cause havoc on the part of website performance.  It is evident from the fact that a significant drop in regular traffic is the initial symptom of negative return. Remember! Less traffic means fewer conversions!

However, it doesn’t occur all of a sudden but gradually and steadily, without even your realization. So, once you have put an end to all the efforts to grow your website, you should keep a critical eye on the traffic along with lead generation factors.

Lost rankings in search engine

A reduction in the overall website traffic is closely linked with a considerably visible drop in search engine rankings. It is because Google and other popular search engines always go with the users’ preferences. This might seems complicated to you, but it’s a bitter reality!

Interestingly, you may not feel any difference in the website position for a few months or more. But then, the signs of degradation appear so rapidly that no effort can overcome the negative impact of stopping SEO when it was needed the more.

Website content becomes outdated

You are already aware that content is the king! Search engine optimization is a continuous process of targeting new terms and posting fresh content.  Keep the growing business requirements, new pages are added, and content is added to attract a targeted audience for a considerably long time. Most importantly, plenty of backlinks are created to improve website ranking using quality content information.

On the other hand, when SEO efforts are discontinued, content is not generated, not published, and not shared on social media. It will discourage the users from revisiting your website leading to a decrease in branded searches. Consequently, the slow death of the website rankings.

Increased ratio of spamming

The site is stormed with hundreds of malicious scripts and spammy information every now and then. So, it is imperative to remove all irrelevant comments and others to ensure the compactness of information presented on the website.

However, a lack of attention towards eliminating bad links and watching out spamming comments can lead to a bigger problem. It increases the rate of spam, causing a compromise of website integrity.

Rise of technical issues

When a website is not looked after properly, technical issues started to rise quickly. Error 404 is the most common example of such problems as links get broken over time. Further, scripting issues and hacking activities also included in the responsibilities of SEO services Company in Dubai for ensuring a smooth user experience.

So, your website needs proper maintenance in terms of content improvements and bugs fixing. It has a significant impact on browser loading speed. So, be careful when you are thinking of cutting expenses by shutting down the campaign.

Lose the race in competition

Last but not least, you have to compete with rivals businesses to achieve sustainability in the marketplace. In this regard, a higher ranking in the search engines helps you get a competitive advantage over the competitors.

Then, you stop doing SEO of the website, but your competitors keep going on – what’s the result? There is a fair probability that your business gets out of the race altogether. It is because of the higher visibility of your website is a crucial factor in business success. So, never take a risk on your business’ reputation, reliability, and visibility of the website!

Keynote: Persistence leads to perfection in SEO rankings!

Hopefully, you are not going to discontinue the SEO campaign of your website abruptly. It is because improved search rankings help your business grow progressively in a competitive market. It all depends on the time and efforts; SEO experts put to keep your website up-to-date and technically sound.

Remember! Positioning a site in the top rankings of Google and other search engines is like climbing up the mountain. It will take time and energy to get through the steep and thorny pathways to stand on the top. Coming down is pretty easy; take a reverse gear once, and here it goes. It is difficult to reverse the momentum once the website direction may go wrong.

So, don’t make your website the prey of shortsightedness. You can rely on experienced SEO services of Spiral Click to get a competitive advantage over the competitors. It’s the key to success.

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