Home Blogging What Kind Of Content Should You Post On Your Blog?

What Kind Of Content Should You Post On Your Blog?

by Soft2share.com

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Now get back to our topic. Currently, content marketing is one of the fundamental pieces in the digital marketing strategy of any company, with a special interest in the type of content offered.

And is that 91% of companies use content marketing as a means to publicize their company, attract new customers or generate a greater number of sales.

But to get the most out of a strategy as powerful as content marketing it is necessary to create quality content, original and above all that provide proven and valuable information for users. 

Next, we will give a list of the different types of content that we can include in our blog. 

Type Of Content That You Must Publish On Your Blog To Succeed

1. Tutorials

Guides or tutorials are one of the most sought after articles by users. Also, publishing this type of content on our company’s blog will help us position ourselves as experts in our market sector.

It is important to always accompany the tutorials with quality images.

2. Guest Post

Guest posts are articles that other specialists in your market sector write on your blog.

Normally, what is done is an exchange of articles, that is, you write in a guest’s blog and vice versa.

This type of content is very useful for generating quality backlinks, letting you know to other audiences and attracting more web traffic.

3. Videos

The videos are increasingly fashionable, and as we explained in this post are one of the great trends in digital marketing during 2019.

The creation of videos for your blog will allow you to differentiate yourself from the competition, show yourself closer to your audience and gain their trust.

On the other hand, the videos are perfect for generating engagement, since they are usually widely commented on the content.

4. Analysis Of Tools Or Products

According to studies,  more than 80% of Internet users use the network to learn about the qualities of a particular product or service.

If you perform analysis of tools or services that have to do directly with your company, you will be generating trust among the audience and position yourself as an expert on the tool or product that you have decided to analyze.

To do it correctly you must study carefully the object of which you are going to perform an analysis. In this way, you will have an original article that provides a lot of useful information to your readers.

5. Infographics

Infographics are an element that every reader appreciates and they are also very visual and help beautify a blog.

The bad part of the infographics is that to develop one of them, a lot of time must be used, but this disadvantage is far more than supplemented since the infographics are one of the most shared contents on social networks.

It is important that an infographic provides proven data and that its reading is easy. You can also choose to use a range of colors in line with the corporate colors of your brand.

6. Lists And Rankings

Most bloggers often include articles of this type with some frequency among their posts.

And it is that the rankings, although they are a widely used type of content, continue to be very successful among readers because they are extremely easy to read and, like infographics, they are the content that most shares get on social networks.

The purpose of the lists is to offer as much information in the least possible space, so you should not get too long in the descriptions.

7. News

Commenting on breaking news is also a good option for a blog. This way you will provide your blog with immediacy and show that you are up to date.

 To this, we must add that these types of articles are among the most commented.

8. Frequently asked questions

If a blog is successful, surely readers of it have left countless questions in the comments section of each post.

Gathering all these questions and developing articles where you answer the questions that have been repeated the most during a certain period is an easy way to create useful content for your users.

9. Interviews

To give a professional touch to your blog, interviews are the most appropriate type of content.

Whether in text or on video, interviews will also help you make your views known to other readers. It is important that for the interviews you choose relevant people from your business sector.

The important thing is to create quality content, regularly, focused on your target audience so that they feel identified and get the most out of your business blog.

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