Home SEO Why and How to make an SEO Friendly Website structure?

Why and How to make an SEO Friendly Website structure?

by Soft2share.com

We all get our business and work on the internet with a single thought in our mind that how can we make sure that our work can reach out to more audience. The aspect of achieving better traffic is affected by the SEO structure of the website. Thus, if the search engine optimisation of a website is not up to the mark, then the content will face a very hard time reaching out to the public. This is why it is of the utmost importance to enhance the SEO of a website. So, today we are going to talk about two factors that are why SEO is so important and How to create a website that is SEO-Friendly. So, with that being said, let’s just get right into it.

Reasons why SEO Structure is important

There are a lot of reasons that relate to the fact of SEO being an integral part of gaining an audience online. From all the factors, we have taken the 2 most important factors as to why you should make the structure of your website SEO Friendly:

  • Enhancing User Experience: Every creator wants to make sure that the audience they have do not go anywhere else. So, make sure that this actually comes out true, it is very important for the SEO company to make sure that the User experience is sorted to the last bit. So, with a better SEO, UI and UX improve automatically.
  • Effortless crawling: Crawlers are major aspects that need to be covered at the time when the website is being created and this is why, when SEO of a website is on the good side, the crawlers work effortlessly. This helps the website to get easily spotted by the search engine and henceforth makes the ranks better.

How to make a website structure SEO friendly?

So, following is a complete step by step guide that will help a user to create a perfect SEO friendly website. There are a total of 5 steps with each of them having its own importance.

  1. Formulation of Site Hierarchy: When search engines start to search for results, they always start from the very apex of the website and then move their way through the website as per the hierarchy. So, to make this aspect to the point, the web development company starts off with the creation of a homepage. After that, the next layer is introduced and so the linking and creation of layers are repeated as long as the need arises. This way the pages are not jumbled around and all the pages are visible to the search engine.
  2. URL structure breakdown: This might be missed by many people but. URL of the webpage plays a big role in the effectiveness of the webpage for the SEO ranks. So, for this, the only thing that needs to be in the right place is the fact that the URL should have a breakdown just like the structure of the website. This way nothing will get jumped over and hence all the pages will get through the results easily.
  3. Managing the depth of website: When we use the word Depth, we refer to the layers of the website. The ideal depth of a website is 3 clicks which means that once a user comes to the homepage section, they can travel through any section of the website under 3 clicks for each category respectively. This will help the crawlers to easily go through the website and increase the ranking of the webpage massively.
  4. Back-end linking: Links are a great tool which is used in the right manner will help the content to achieve great rankings. So, when a content is being created, it is important to make sure that the pages who are on the deeper end should be linked to the content in one way or another.
  5. Improved Site Navigation: Navigation of the website can help you to distribute the weight of the pages in an even manner. This will increase the loading speed and will enhance the user experience by leaps. So, for this, internal linking and pre-planned structure play a great role.

These are some of the things that everyone who is offering their services or skills on the internet should know. These will help the creator to gain massive traffic without much hassle and it can be done with the help of professional SEO expert writers easily.

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