Home Real Estate Why Do You Need A Virtual Tour?

Why Do You Need A Virtual Tour?

by Soft2share.com

Sometimes one picture is worth a thousand words. You are probably familiar with this idea. In the case of a virtual tour, this idea can be rephrased as follows: sometimes a virtual tour is worth a thousand pictures especially in the real estate business. With the use of thebest virtual tour software for real estate you will not only showcase your property but also attract potential clients to buy it. Of course, there is a certain amount of exaggeration in both of these phrases, but in fact they are not so far from the truth.

“Can You See It Somehow?”

Almost anyone would rather look at a picture than listen to a long and sometimes tedious verbal description. You can give long speeches, describe your business or property in detail, even show slides. But, you know, people buy with their eyes !

Only a personal presence at the facility can give your potential client the opportunity to truly look at what you are talking about, look around, look at your feet and at the ceiling, move to another room or go outside, look out the window or walk up to interior details of interest to take a closer look. Almost the same possibilities are provided by a 360º virtual tour.

How To Make A Virtual Tour? In Short, …

The virtual tour is created from individual photographs or by using software to create virtual tours. The photographer, standing as if in the center of the sphere, takes a sequential series of shots each time directing the camera to the desired sector. The result is a set of 38 individual photographs. Each of them represents part of the space. There are as many such sets as there are rooms or points on the street that need to be included in the tour.

Then, using special programs from a series of scattered photographs, a spherical panorama is glued together. Of course, at this stage it looks more like some kind of strange scan, but rest assured – this is exactly what you need!

The virtual tour is edited when all the necessary spherical panoramas are ready. This happens in software to create virtual tours. The result will be a finished product. Here is the simplest option – just one panorama, no hot spots, no sound, no company logo and other design elements. Just feel the space, try to control the sphere with the mouse.

  • The virtual tour allows the viewer to be involved, creating the effect of his presence on the object. This is much better and clearer than a simple viewing of photographs, when the viewer remains, as it were, an outside observer. After all, everyone, including your future buyer, understands perfectly well that individual photographs are a way to show only what is beneficial to you. They do not convey the whole picture, but simply snatch individual, often the most successful fragments from the general reality. An experienced photographer will always leave behind the scenes roughness, which will “emerge” only later, when the decision is made.
  • A virtual tour allows you to be honest to the end with your client or business partner. You lay out the cards on the table and objectively show the whole thing, not just the beautiful facade. Not every company dares to show everything as it is. But if you dare to do this, the client’s trust increases markedly, he consciously decides on the next step in your joint actions.
  • A virtual tour, unlike ordinary photographs, is a real tour of the object, which can be voiced by a voice-over, the ability to approach any element of the interior, see or listen to additional information about it. A virtual tour is a kind of 3D game, a quest. Let your business partner play a reality show at your facility, wander around it, take your time and look at everything in great detail. The most amazing thing is that these will not be dead interiors. In some room, he will meet your colleagues or even you personally. People can also be part of spherical panoramas. And with live-pano technology, they will move and even talk!
  • A virtual tour is a significant time-saver for your potential clients. And yours too! If the object is located outside the city, in another city, then it is much easier, faster and cheaper to conduct a virtual tour of it than to organize a personal, sometimes fruitless visit. Virtual reality technologies allow you to meet and have a constructive dialogue with really interested clients, and work more productively. After all, your time is also worth something!
  • A virtual tour is an opportunity to revitalize your company’s website, bring an element of novelty to it, and become more visible to customers. Photos, videos and text have already become common forms of submitting material on websites. Use the property of human perception, which notes and better remembers everything unusual, interesting and colorful. This way you can stay in the memory of your customers and are more likely to receive new orders.

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