Home Internet Why Should you Target only Indian Visitors

Why Should you Target only Indian Visitors

by Soft2share.com

Running a website is not an easy task as it may appear to be. Maybe you have designed a great website and adding a great deal of content, but getting enough traffic and the conversion rates is equally important. That is precisely where most of us fail. Targetted traffic or Country Specific Traffic is one of the aspects that needs a little attention in this perspective. In today’s post, we will concentrate on Indian targeted traffic. Why should you target only Indian visitors? And how? Let us check it out here. Please note this discussion should be equally useful in any country-specific traffic needs you may have.

Why should you target only Indian visitors?

Well, there are a few simple reasons. You have an Indian business and cater to the Indian audience. Just because your site is visible to the global audience, you have been getting a considerable global or international audience to your site. But, when it comes to conversions, what plays an important role for you is the Indian audience.

That should explain in clear words the need for targeting Indian visitors alone. This sort of business marketing strategy is referred to as Geo Targeting. In plain words, it represents the technique involved in creating a content specifically tailored for a particular region, in our case, India. You can achieve this either by means of organic search or paid search.

How To Get Traffic From Indian Visitors?

As we already made it clear enough, targeted traffic improves your conversion rates. There are a few ways to which you can target the localized website traffic. Getting organic traffic from India, or any specific country of your choice may not be quite easy.

You can, however, employ a few specific options to target the country specific traffic. Using a custom domain that is targeted for a particular region can be quite helpful in getting better organic traffic from that location. In case of India, you can use a .in or .co.in domain. Another option you can give a try would be to use Google Webmaster Tool. You can specify which country your site is targeted to. Server locations and getting quality backlinks from Indian sites can be a couple of ways you can use to get India specific traffic.

Another good option would be to buy Indian traffic. There are a few good service providers that offer you a good performance when it comes to getting country-specific targeted website traffic. Babylon Traffic is a good example from that perspective. With a quicker implementation, it helps you in the best ever traffic generation.

Benefits of Traffic from Indian Visitors

Well, country-specific traffic helps you in more ways than one. Some of the benefits associated with geo-targeted traffic can be summarised as

  • Manage your traffic in an effective way.
  • An increased conversion rate.
  • Improve your search engine ranking in India.
  • You can be assured of more visibility in the search engines along with a boost in Alexa ranking for India.
  • Get improved web trends.
  • An improved monthly traffic stats.

Before We Leave.

Well, if you are an Indian business and do want to encash the benefits from the Indian visitors, it is indeed a great idea to buy Indian traffic. However, do note that buying Indian traffic, or for that matter, any country-specific traffic may not be something best suited if you are a blogger. Buying traffic may be something that would suit corporates and business websites.

We assume that the tips and the information contained herein should be more than helpful in your search for the targeted traffic. Whether you are trying to achieve targeted traffic through organic search or through buying Indian traffic (or for that matter, any country-specific traffic), geo-targeted traffic is the best for all your needs.


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