Anime is an art, appreciated and liked by many! There are a wide variety of anime out there and for someone new to anime, Dragon Ball Z is a must watch.
Dragon Ball Z is a highly renowned anime today loved by everyone. There are many people out there who don’t even know what anime is, but they love Dragon Ball Z. This anime follows the story of Goku, one of the best anime protagonists ever. It is an extremely intense anime and can easily get you hooked. This marvellous show is ignored by some because of how many episodes it has but once you start, you will definitely not be able to stop yourself! I myself am a big fan of this master piece and today, I will give you some reasons why you should definitely start watching it, whether you’re an adult or a little kid. Intense fights: If you have ever seen Dragon Ball Z, then you cannot deny the fact that you have tried to do a “KAMEHAMEHA” wave. Dragon Ball Z is known for its intense fight scenes. This anime has set the standards very high and many other anime take inspiration from it. The fight scenes are a mix of martial arts and super powers. The biggest reason why the fight scenes in Dragon Ball Z are so intense is because of how overpowered all the characters are. The characters in Dragon Ball Z are so powerful that they could literally destroy a whole planet in the blink of an eye! This much power really makes all the fight scenes extremely fierce and we cannot stop watching. The fights in Dragon Ball Z are also quite unpredictable which is the reason why the majority of the fights in this anime are the best fights ever in anime history. Check out TechAnimate to learn more about Dragon Ball.
The main character is not the center of everything: In almost every anime, everything is centered around the main character but in Dragon Ball Z every character is important to the story. All the characters get their fair share of screentime and all of them play an important part. We all love the main character Goku but he is not everything in this awesome show! The biggest example of this is the fight between Gohan and Cell, in that fight we saw how instead of Goku, it was Gohan who defeated one of the strongest villains of the Dragon Ball universe. Vegeta is also an awesome character and also Goku’s rival, he too gets his fair share of the screen-time. Goten, Trunks, Piccolo and, many other characters of this show are all very important. All the characters get their fair share of power-ups and are not completely dependent upon the main character. Character development:
Dragon Ball Z is known for its character development. The characters in Dragon Ball Z are not cliché at all. The characters are all well-built and different from each other in many ways. We love all the characters in this anime and their character development is really something else. We see many characters completely change in different ways. Vegeta and Piccolo are the biggest examples of this, we see how these two characters go form being absolutely evil to being one of the Z-fighters protecting Earth. One of the beauties of Dragon Ball Z is that its character development is not too fast-paced, like in case of Vegeta, we see how he is in a constant fight between good and evil! We also see, how Gohan goes from being a little cry baby to the hero who defeated Cell and saved the day! English dubbed version is actually good: Many people out there do not watch anime simply because it is in Japanese. Of course, many anime are also dubbed into English but half of the time the dubbed version is not good at all and really effects the overall experience of the show. In the case of Dragon Ball Z however, the dub is just as good as the sub! Some people even go as far as to claim that the dubbed version is better. I personally prefer dub over sub too but its all up to personal opinion.
Memorable villains: We have seen this in a lot of anime where the characters on the good side are so well-built but the villains are extremely generic and forgettable. In Dragon Ball Z all the villains are different form each other with their own traits! We fall in love with not only the good characters but also the villains. There are also many villains in Dragon Ball Z that actually become good and start fighting for the protection of Earth. My favorite villain in the series is Cell as he is the most unique.