Home Website Why Your Mobile Website Design Company Should Pay Attention to Language

Why Your Mobile Website Design Company Should Pay Attention to Language

by Soft2share.com

In the rush to create mobile websites, many businesses are making the mistake of overlooking the value of having a global reach. Which means, many mobile websites and/or apps are not supporting the diversity of language and variety of localized content as their desktop counterparts do? These two are very important factors that can ensure the success of your mobile website and your website design company cannot afford to overlook these factors.


This article will explain why these are important.

Look at the Moguls

Take the examples of Facebook and Apple. On its website, Facebook is compatible with 70 different languages. The iPhone covers over 30 languages across everything such as Safari Browser, Mail and other Apple apps. Google also supports several languages in its various apps such as Google+, Google Translate and of course, Google search.

Balance is Important

You should show impartiality towards languages in your mobile website as well as app. Then only can you become truly global in the eyes of your customers. If you’re desktop website supports 50 different languages but this counterpart does not support any, or if it supports only a few, you are sending the wrong message to your audience.

Usually, businesses treat their mobile websites as an extension of their desktop sites, which is completely wrong. You shouldn’t employ a small team to create, develop and manage your this site. You should pay equal attention to this as you do to your desktop site. Allocate proper resources – human, financial and technical so that user experience can be seamless across the globe and language should not be a barrier.

Keep in mind the fact that not targeting people speaking different languages, actually mean you are missing a huge market.

What You Need to Analyze Before Creating Your Mobile Website/App

  • The user experience for those who do not speak English
  • What part of the text content should be removed? You have to keep in mind that when your site will be available in different languages, your text of menus and buttons will expand, especially in case of Asian languages. Your site’s interface needs to have provision for such changes to take place.
  • How internet users of these motile devices go to their preferred language.
  • How to manage the terminology on these devices.
  • The bandwidth limit of your mobile site. The limit usually differs from one country to another.

The bottom-line is, your web development endeavors, from now on, should focus more on motile devices. You should also develop apps in a localized approach.

Best of luck for your endeavors!

Author Bio:

The author of this guest post is Amit Kumar Sarkar who is working for his company www.quality-web-solutions.com, a top Website Design and Development Company in India.


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