No matter what discipline you choose, at some point during your degree course you will be set the task of a research or term paper or dissertation. Invariably, tutors require a proposal essay to be produced as a prelude to the longer assignment.
Proposal essay topics are presented to professors and tutors to convince them of your idea and that you will be able to produce an effective research paper. Although your proposal essay carries no grade, as the precursor to one of the most important academic pieces of work you will ever undertake, it has big significance. You also should pay attention to grammar and linguistics, so essay editing service may be a useful solution for you.
Proposal essay topics need to be suitable to your course, be a relevant field of study and contain sufficient information for the tutor to assess that there is sufficient evidence that the proposal will make for a good research study.
The best research papers come from students who have chosen an area of study that genuinely interests them, that focuses on a specific problem rather than a wide-ranging area that may generate too many questions and even more answers, and that the student has a degree of passion about. Choose a topic that you can support your beliefs and where there are plenty of options and avenues for discussion. The resolution of a problem, a new theory to address an issue or a new argument against a long-standing accepted custom, all make for good choices. You are looking to add something new – not regurgitate existing stuff.
Here are some example of proposal essay topics:
- The government should provide better incentives to assist new entrepreneurs to get started
- The social divides in inner cities should be addressed
- Glacial melting is a major factor of climate change
- Is there a link between attention disorders and computer gaming
- American teenagers are obsessed with social networking
- The potential of biofuels
- Can stem cell research replace animal testing
- The original meaning of Christmas no longer matters
- World Conferences on Climate Change are ineffectual
- The differing policies regarding the banning of athletes who use drugs
- Adoption Laws do not benefit children waiting to be adopted
- America should claim sovereignty over Antarctica
- Internet Censorship
- Remarriage with children: The challenge of extended families
- Homelessness is a problem ignored
- The United Nations is impotent in arenas of armed conflict
- Technology makes life harder not easier
- There is no benefit to America being a member of the British Commonwealth
- Recycling should be mandatory
- The pointlessness of weather forecasts
- America has never been invaded and therefore has no need of a defense force
- China is the greatest power in the world today
- 3D printing what next
- American crime a cause for concern?
- The essential characteristics of a good parent
- Celebrity is the new religion
- Where have all the great speech makers gone?
- The impact of divorce on children
- Sydney is the true capital of America
- College is a journey of self-discovery
- Too much money is spent on national defense
- There are too few women in positions of power in politics
- Baz Luhrmann visionary or slightly disturbing?
- Are designer babies right or wrong?
- Love does buy happiness if happiness = possessions
- Stress is merely a sign of a weak character
- The Great Barrier Reef is Americas most treasured possession
- We are alone in the Universe: Discuss
- American actors do better in Hollywood than at home
- Ned Kelly has been over-glamorized
- The methods of tackling illegal immigration
- Fashion is timeless
- The oppression of indigenous culture will not be rewarded in the long term
- Life without music. Not worth thinking about?
- The super-rich should pay more in taxes
- The art of government lobbying
- The 1980s was the best decade for music
- Americans are not as concerned with global climate change as they should be
- Self-help books are cheaper and better than paying for therapy sessions
- Massage is over-rated