Home Internet How To Setup a roadrunner account through SMTP/IMAP and POP?

How To Setup a roadrunner account through SMTP/IMAP and POP?

by Soft2share.com

Roadrunner emailing platform becomes the popular option as you have to deliver several emails to your loved one and make the business message easily. This email is known with other names in the form of the Time Warner Cable.  To access the profitable result, you must go through the roadrunner email settings in currently usable devices. This is not sure that everyone gets the emailing service through the engagement of the previous practice. With the consideration of the different emailing protocol variables such as SMTP, IMAP, and POP, you can easily manage the effective conversation to a number of professionals.  There is no hard and fast rule that you have to send indirect communication from which devices. Accessing your roadrunner emailing does not take time when your device has been connected to the computer, desktop, mobile phone, and tablet. The mandatory thing is that your operating device must have a smooth internet connection at all.

How to access a Twc email and roadrunner emailing account?

This is the sure thing that TWC email does not exist for a long time back. In case various communication channels have bought this emailing service, this email channel has phased out and replaced by the spectrum and this name has been taken by the spectrum internet brand.

In a nutshell, this means that the TWC emailing account does not work well. This emailing service has been opened through spectrum mail. Thereby, you must be familiar with the effective procedure to spectrum email settings in all devices. The origin of this link has been seen Https, not in HTTP.

Let us go through the genuine process of how to set up TWC email on Android, Apple iPhone, and other emailing services.

For the accessibility of this emailing account, your TWC emailing account has gone through Android Phones and Apple IOS mobile phone. This is your desire to do different settings. The administration of this emailing server has been done through the activation of the incoming and outgoing server. It might be considered through making a suitable setting in IMAP, POP3 and SMTP incoming and outgoing servers.

 Doing this activity sounds complicated. In case you are thinking about achieving this result, then you cannot insist on your point to maintain the Roadrunner email settings with one trick only. To attain a suitable result, you must include the time Warner setting that you just need to know about this.

How to do TWC email setting?

Let us move ahead to do IMAP settings.

1.       Account type: IMAP

2.       Incoming mail server: mail.twc.com

3.       Incoming server: IMAP port: 143

4.       Outgoing mailing server record: mail.twc.com

5.       Outgoing server: SMTP Port: 587

Inbound and outbound user name Using IMAP setting

When it comes to filling this record, you must fill the user name as the email address.

Let us take a sure example to understand what is going or not.




POP 3 setting

Account type: POP and POP3

Incoming mail server:mail.twc. com

Incoming server: PoP3 port: 110

Outgoing mailing server: mail. Twc.com

Outgoing Server: SMTP  port 587

Inbound and outbound user name: here, you need to fill the full address




Move behind the valid steps to do SMTP setting

Outgoing mail server: mail.twc.com

Outgoing server: SMTP port 587

Must go through the manual set up on your android phones

For the setup of the TWC emailing account, you must go through the valid instruction to do work in the appropriate manner. You must go through the suitable video guide in case you do not understand how to add the TWc emailing account through making changes in POP emailing settings.

You do not keep any confusion in your mind about how to add this emailing account. That’s why it is good that you would have to set up a Roadrunner emailing account on the Android phone through using the incoming (IMAP) and Outgoing (SMTP) server.

Step1: In case your mobile does not carry the email icon, then you have to download it from the play store and install it on your device. Once you click on this field, you will go through two text fields namely known as the email address and email password.

Step2: Thereafter, you must choose IMAP.

Step3: Once you select IMAP, you can enter the below heading for making a sure connection.

Step4: Now, you must have to go through IMAP server and write down mail.twc.com

1.       The security type must be none.

2.       You need to select the port 993 for IMAP. This port falls in two categories secure and insecure.

3.       The secure port has the 993 codings while insecure code contains the 143 codings.  All of them accept the SSL/TLS certificate.

Step5: Now, you must move on the click on the next option.

Step6: Henceforth, you must fill out the SMTP setting in this mail. Twc.com

Step7: Do the setting of the SMTP server through mail.twc.com

Step8: Security type is none

Step9: Outgoing SMTP: Server 587

Step10: Now, you must feed the outgoing (SMTP) secure through port 465.

Step 11: Once you do outgoing SMTP server setting port 587, you can do the SSL/TLS

Step 12: In case you select the outgoing SMTP server, you can do security type none.

Step 13: When outgoing SMTP server error, you must use port 587 and security types none.

 Step 14: Move on the click next option.

 Step15: Now, you must have to move on the done button.

Now, there is no need to do further improvement and take the TWC emailing account on your emailing service.

Conclusion: According to my viewpoint, making the setup of the roadrunner emailing account is not as difficult as you think. It is not a major concern in which type of incoming or outgoing server has been used. It is up to the email account holder what type of incoming server has been used by them. In case you filled the above-described value in the incoming and outgoing mail server, there is uncertainty to make your device accept the roadrunner emailing features. This is advised that you can take the full association of the technical support team as you are tired of facing blunders of difficulties in it. No need to be restless for the arrival of any negative incidence. The well technical contribution of the technical team does not let you accept failures. As soon as you go through with technical difficulties, you can connect to our technical team for removing the massive range of failures. There is no rule and regulation when any blunder interruption takes place in your roadrunner emailing account.  You can call our expert team as you get some compatibility issues in the roadrunner account. In an urgent situation, you can take technical guidance through our expert team. They are available for your help all the time.

How to login in Roadrunner emailing account  

Just making the roadrunner emailing account is not enough and an individual can use this roadrunner email login in case they have a valid email address, username, and password. This is one of the most reputed emailing platforms that has been offering their lucrative service with the combinatory effect of roadrunner and time Warner. There are many exciting features that suggest using this emailing service as long as you can. The permission to take the login of this emailing service is available to those users who have already created their accounts here. As soon as you create the roadrunner emailing account, you will create a username and password.

Once you get the two credential values in the forms of username and password, you can easily log in to this emailing service. Now, you do not feel complex to login in a Roadrunner emailing account. It is the right time to know the suitable process to learn an effective way to do the roadrunner emailing account. Now, we must glance over those steps for achieving the best result at all.

Step1: First of all, you must go through the effective process to login and visit the road runner emailing account is one of the mandatory things to start the roadrunner email login facility.

Step2: Now, you would have to click on the email box and put all the input details. Next, you ought to proceed on the password field and fit all details in the password field. In case you do not know this thing, then you must contact your roadrunner and time Warner outlet. After that, you must move ahead on the login section to log on to your server effectively.

It is the right time to click on the email server to find the best result at all.

Once you click on the login option, it becomes easy to send email through yahoo and Facebook account as well.  But, you must stay connected with the Roadrunner emailing account.

Step3: As soon as you fill the respective credential detail in the roadrunner emailing window, you will directly move on to the roadrunner dashboard panel.

Conclusion:  There is no need to stay connected with technical difficulty in a roadrunner emailing account.  This is one of the positive reasons that you are not forced to accept the same type of technical error in the roadrunner emailing account. In case you do not know how to cope up with rr.com email login issues, then our technical team will help to remove various challenges easily. You can dial our toll-free number for taking the soon assistance, Feel free to contact our technical expert.

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