Continue our investigation on Google Ads, media buyer of Real Web.
On the same day that the reorganization of its platforms was announced, Google published a video to introduce – initially in the US and then slowly in the rest of the world – a new type of campaign: Smart Campaign.
The basic assumption of the Mountain View company is that Small Businesses:
1- Do not have time to set up effective campaigns themselves;
2- They have only 3 objectives: to generate purchases (if they have an online store), receive telephone calls, get more visits to the store.
Smart Campaign goes in this direction: the user selects his goal among the three proposed (shop visits, phone calls, and purchases), chooses the relevant geographical area, sets the budget and loads some creativity. At that point Machine Learning takes over, combining everything, choosing the right audiences, the most effective publishing methods and the most balanced offers.
The impression is that Machine Learning is the direction taken by Google for its advertising solutions.
We have already learned to appreciate Smart Bidding, which avoids improvising manual CPCs based on personal impressions leaving the responsibility to Machine Learning to offer based on our goal, which is to maximize the clicks or ROI desired.
With the advent of the “new Adwords experience”, the platform has begun to suggest variations of the ads – according to Google, to make 5-15% more of the ads written by a person – which are activated automatically after 14 days. The setting is active by default and you can still work on new ads later, but if you prefer to keep total control over your copy remember to turn off this option. In the same direction will be the Responsive Search ads, which in the Italian version of Google Ads could be translated with the adjective “adaptable “, as happened for their display counterpart. Coming soon, Responsive Search Ads will allow the user to enter up to 15 titles and 4 descriptions which will then be processed by the platform in 43,680 different combinations in search of the perfect Search ad, that of the ancient prophecy, able to reach maximum yield with minimum spending.
This is probably just a taste of the Google Ads that will come: the future of advertising is inevitably automated and managed by Machine Learning.
Bring balance to the Force
If you fear for the future of your Google Ads Specialist profession, wait to embrace Neo-Luddism and keep in mind that as long as AI does not exceed human intelligence, leading us to a bloody war and extinction, you will always need your supervision on the campaigns: you will have to make more or less important decisions and carry out targeted manual interventions.
The Machine Learning for example does not offer the best of itself when it is struggling with budgets that are too low or with absent historians (for example a new account) or confused (many campaigns with too different objectives or ups and downs between them).
Even in the initial definition of the structure of the campaign or in the choice of keywords it is always better to engage in first person and then rely on artificial intelligence for the optimization and scouting of new words or new ideas.
It is very important to carry out tests , for example before activating Smart Bidding we could verify the yield of certain keywords using the good old manual CPC, especially if we act in unpredictable environments or particular markets. In fact, Machine Learning will always tend towards a “one size fits all” approach and granting it a blind trust is counterproductive.
For example, it happened to us that an extension of a call within a dynamic search campaign for a Tourist Promotion Company generated a lot of unwanted traffic: calling the APT were not people interested in receiving information or planning to book a hotel, but people interested in all kinds of local information, such as the nearest tire dealer.
In such a situation, multiple solutions can be implemented, such as adding negative keywords, or reorganizing the campaign into different ad groups based on different tags and activating the extension only in some of these groups. In both ways the problem disappears and the dynamic campaign can continue automatically as usual.
Author Bio:
Anna is a content writer and a blogger who has working in a leading company who helps people to how to get amazon account unblocked service. She also manages different social media platforms for different brands.