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Learn Quran online with Tajweed

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Learn Quran online with Tajweed Introduction to Tajweed and its importance

The meaning of Tajweed is recited beautifully with the exact pronunciation of each word of the Quran.

The Holy Quran stated the pronunciation and recitation of the Quran slowly and made the pronunciation of each word very clear, and this is the full purpose of Tajweed.

Mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was reading the Quran with graceful voices to convey the message of the Quran clearly.

Also called beautify the sound while reading the Quran with Tajweed. Therefore, if someone asks what is intonation, we can say, intonation is the guiding principle that must be followed in order to read the Quran accurately and in correct words.

It should be noted that reading Arabic and reading the Quran is not the same, it is a different point of view, the Quran is the words of God, there is a whole set of instructions called intonation, on how to read those words in the original recitation principles as revealed. It is a sacred duty for everyone to take care of this style of recitation with the utmost precision and reading beautifully.

How difficult is it to learn intonation?

Having said about the importance of how to pronounce and recite the Quran in principles it is necessary to mention that learning this guideline called intonation, is not very difficult, in fact it is possible to learn from a very early age to the age of adults as well. Learning becomes easier over time and this skill can be easily acquired, but a dedicated effort with consistency is required to learn the principles of reading the Quran with guidelines, ie, intonation, accurately.

How to learn the Holy Quran with Tajweed

Learn the Quran with accurate words without change from Allah SWT without any change is necessary to learn the Quran with Tajweed. It is not very difficult to achieve and learn intonation easy compared to memorizing the Quran by heart.

However, with the help of an online teacher or teacher, it is possible to learn intonation online by using the technological communication tools available today such as, for example Skype. There are online courses available for learning intonation through online classes, listed below. One can start from a free trial class before progressing to the next level of the course as it helps in learning at your own pace.

Mastering the intonation skill requires consistency of chapters so that lessons learned are applied correctly and not forgotten as they apply collectively while reading the Quran.

Is it possible to learn the Quran with Tajweed without a teacher?

The short answer is yes, it is possible. However, it should be noted that learning the Quran has particular difficulties in overcoming it and in order to know if you are already expressing the right way, one needs the help and guidance of another expert person. It can be a teacher or an online academy that can help you and a short course in learning the Quran with Tajweed gives you an expert supervisor foundation that clarifies your mistakes and guides you through the presentation of your recitation in complete and accurate pronunciation. Therefore, like any other skill, it is important to seek an experienced teacher to learn the Quran available in schools online.

Click here for 24-hour intonation courses, to start learning and / or improve your knowledge of the Holy Quran, in any time zone around the world. So you can start your free trial today.

Why Learn Quran Online?

We all know the importance of the Quran in our lives. For us, Allah sends this book through our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He revealed his guidance in the form of the Quran for more than years. We all have to learn and read the Quran because it can teach us to have a proper place in the world. We can live up to that specific situation that Allah Almighty sanctifies. Learning the Quran with interpretation is not difficult.

Everyone can now learn Quran online with proper recitation and Tajweed rules. In the Quran Learning course, let our students first learn the meaning of the Quran. Our teachers teach them a detailed overview of all Quran verses. On the other hand, through the online Quran learning course, we can allow children and students to memorize the Quran along with interpretation. We cannot solve our daily problems if we cannot fully understand our Bible. Our Bible has the solution to every problem in our lives.

The importance of learning the Quran on the Internet:

We all realize that without reciting the Quran, we will not succeed in our lives. In general, everyone knows that the essence of reciting and learning the Quran is quite clear from the first revelation of God, which our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gave him. One of the first verses of our Bible states that “Read in the name of God and the law !!” Who creates, created people with just hidden blood “(Sura 96; Verse 1-2)

In this way, Islam was, from an early point of reference, an advocate of learning, an expression of God. Moreover, with regard to learning the Quran, the purpose of the hadith and its meaning is to justify itself with real evidence:

“The best thing about you is that which is taken in the Quran and after it is learned” (2; 15 Bukhari).

In this way, learning the Quran online and its instructions is one of the holy demonstrations that a Muslim can make.


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The main objectives of learning the ran online:

You will now be able to learn the Quran without going anywhere. In the past, individuals did not know about distance learning. For now, it’s not difficult to get a comment for anything on the web. Now it is so simple to learn the Quran online. Children and adults can now practice the Quran online. There are many online Quran academies that offer online Quran management for Muslim and adult children. While Muslim students take online Quran courses to learn the Quran, they do not need to go to any mosque or Islamic institution. The Quran Online Academy offers good Quran training, as well as professional teachers.

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