Home Business Why Choose Natural Cleaning Products Over Chemical-based Products

Why Choose Natural Cleaning Products Over Chemical-based Products

by Soft2share.com

Did you know that using cleaning products in your household eventually ruins the shine? If you rely on acid to clean your bathroom, you should know that it can gradually leave yellow stains in the bathroom. These stains are non removable and make the bathroom look unpleasant. Plus, using these cleaning agents even has indirect effects on one’s health. A study by Jan Paul Zock, David Vizcaya, and Nicole Le Mouai has shown the relationship between cleaning products and unwanted lower respiratory tract symptoms.

The study has also shown the effect of these cleaning agents on asthma patients. Products like glass cleaners, detergents, bleach, and others have a long-term effect on one’s health. Some of the symptoms include sneezing, chest pain, and scratchy throat. You shouldn’t be surprised that using natural cleaning products comes as the only important solution to these problems.  

Natural cleaning agents can replace all the hazardous products in everyday cleaning. Green products are safer, cheaper, and more effective. You can also make them at home, but some brands offer effective, non-toxic cleaning products that are not expensive. 

What are natural cleaning products?

Natural cleaning materials are easy to use, and they are non associated with any health risks. It is because these cleaning agents are made from natural products that are available at home. Some of these products use vinegar, baking soda, natural salt, hydrogen peroxide, and lemons. These cleaners are easy to find at local markets.

You can find natural bathroom cleaners, drain cleaners, odor removers, and more. The benefits of natural cleaning agents come similar to those of chemical-based cleaners. For example, baking soda helps clean up, lemons kill bacteria, and white vinegar is a powerful agent to clean stains, odor, mildew, and many other problems. At the same time, salt can remove scum and unclog the drains with its sandblasting properties. 

Health benefits of natural cleaning products

Apart from the asthma issues, using regular cleaning products can trigger a lot more health risks. Products containing chemicals like triethanolamine and diethanolamine, after mixing with nitrates, can form skin-piercing carcinogens. These have a drastic effect on your hormones leading to serious health issues like congenital disabilities and cancer. Most cleaning products include these substances, leading to high health risks when used in large amounts. 

Laundry and dishwashing detergents include the chemicals like boric and borax acid that are toxic to fertility. The solvents in degreasers cause congenital disabilities. Butoxyethanol, commonly included in many cleaners, can damage red blood cells and cause anemia. Natural cleaning products are less likely to cause any of these problems. 

It is obvious that all the cleaners can be harmful if you put them in your eyes or anywhere else where they are not meant for. But the issues associated with non-toxic cleaning products are remarkably lower than the regular cleaners with michael tell patty duke. So, it is better to switch to green cleaners as soon as possible. Eliminate all the hazardous cleaners from your house now. 


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