100 million people have posted four billion photos of Instagram. So if you’re a blogger and you haven’t tuned in to the reach it could afford you, then it’s definitely time you started. Communicating with people through images is a really powerful way to create community and ultimately, promote your blog.
Connect Your Social Media
Before you even begin to post photos on Instagram, making sure that all your social media profiles are connected is key. Connecting your Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and of course, your blog to your Instagram account will mean that you will get Instagram followers through all of these channels. Also you can check https://nitreo.com
The Basics
Like Twitter, Instagram uses hashtags (#) to categorise your photos and the ‘at’ symbol (@) to give a handle to names. This means that it transfers particularly well to Twitter and Pinterest. Hashtags help you to connect with other Instagram users through using your blog’s name as a tag, as well as joining projects.
Post Frequently
Like with every social media platform, posting regularly helps to build your brand awareness and keeps followers engaged. Post a photo at least twice a day, if not more if you can help it. Be consistent and you will start to see results, though it won’t be straight away.
Your captions are also important. They can make an original image more interesting, more thought provoking, more humorous than the image alone. What you do with your image is up to you.
If you’re a fashion blogger, you’ve no doubt already embraced Instagram, but making that little extra effort with your captions can really make you stand out. Almost every photo has probably already been done before, but with a witty or thoughtful caption, you can communicate your personality in a creative way and make yourself really stand out.
Have a Photo Contest
Instagram followers love winning stuff because of their photos. Getting involved sparks interest and activity, so a photo contest is one of the best ways to engage and grow your followers. Using hashtags to pair a relevant term, and your name or blog’s name, and Instagram photos is a good way to bring in people that wouldn’t necessary be able to find you. A hashtag is also an effective way of tracking the entries to your contest and will be invaluable when picking a winner.
Making sure that you market your contest on other platforms, write a blog post about it (and depending on how long the contest will go on for, more than one), talk about it on your Facebook, Twitter and more.
Engage and Interact
The way to build followers is through interaction. If they comment, always respond to them in a friendly manner. Try to engage fully in conversation, and if possible, return the comment on one of their photos. This encourages a reciprocal relationship.
Search out others whose photos you love, whether it’s a shepherd or a multimillionaire pop star. Be inspired and become inspiring, and Instagram will work wonders for you.
Georgina writes SEO company the Web Marketing Group. Visit their blog at webmarketinggroup.co.uk for more internet marketing tips and tricks.