Depression treatment: behavioral stimulation
One of the main signs of depression is a noticeable decrease in interest or pleasure in almost all activities. People may become uninterested in their hobbies, report loss of enjoyment, withdraw from social and recreational activities and report that they “no longer care”. People can also experience fatigue, energy loss, general downturn and report that simple tasks require massive effort and lead to fatigue.

So it is understood that people suffering from depression have a significant decrease in their daily performance. This could include changes such as: not seeing friends, stopping playing sports, neglecting responsibilities such as cleaning the house, not completing completed work / education projects, and even struggling to shower regularly or get out of bed.
One way to break this cycle is to gradually increase your level of activity. This is often called behavioral activation and it works in many ways. By taking steps to be more active, over time, you will usually start to find some fun in the activities, feel comfortable about yourself to accomplish some things, see things from a different perspective, give yourself a break from anxiety and boldness, and improve your health and energy levels in the body And creating beneficial changes in the body’s chemistry.
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Of course this seems easier than done. I often talk to people who say things like “I couldn’t go for the usual bike rides, it looks too far”, “There is so much mess in the laundry and I couldn’t even cope with it”, “I’ve never seen my friend through the ages, but the idea of going to a birthday party Their birth tomorrow night is very stressful “or” it seemed very difficult to get out of bed. “
So, here are some very important and helpful tips to keep in mind when starting behavioral activation
Set regular goals – try to be specific about when / what activity you will aim to do. The more specific you are, the more useful it is for you, and writing a plan can also be useful.
Take small steps – remember to be gentle and to adjust your expectations. Setting a very large goal is one of the main reasons people struggle to take the first step. For example, taking a nice walk around the block (instead of going to the gym), making your bed (rather than cleaning the whole room) are great steps that may be more realistic.
Try a variety of activities – choose some fun activities that may lead to some pleasant feelings, as well as some activities that may seem boring (for example, taking out trash, and rating some papers). Even these “boring” activities can lead to a sense of accomplishment or ideas that make some progress in them.
Consider setting a time for your target goal – for example, working on this task for 5 minutes, instead of sticking to it until it completes. Or read for 5 minutes, instead of completing an entire chapter.
Encourage yourself and mobilize some support – remind yourself why you are committed to activities, and ask your friend or family to offer some gentle encouragement.
Be flexible – if you can’t really accomplish the desired goal, don’t give up. Be flexible. What is a small step you can take towards your goal instead? For example, if you are not able to leave the house to do some gentle exercises, can you do some exercises at home? If you are not able to wash the dog, can you prepare all the equipment for tomorrow or play with the dog for a while instead?
Finally, follow what you notice. Pay attention to how you feel before and after the activity. Remember that you may not always feel better right away, but you may feel a sense of accomplishment.