Who said work can’t be fun? When you have thoughtful and considerate supervisors, things automatically get easier at the workplace. Be it making the environment comfortable, granting and approving leave applications, assigning fair and apposite tasks or showing appreciation whenever required, a supportive manager will take care of it all! And you have to become exactly this kind of Boss! There are many ways you can make your team happy and excited to work but let’s start with the most basic yet crucial area that needs focus in this matter. Since a lot of working professionals struggle with even regular tasks or find work boring, here’s some tips for you to break the monotony for them.
In this article, we will talk about how you can enhance the experience of your employees as they try hard to accomplish their Key Result Areas.
But first, let us walk you through the answer to what is KRA:
KRA Meaning: This is the very job description/ job role that you see an advertisement or vacancy posting. To be precise, KRAs are the primary responsibilities that employees are assigned on a daily basis. It is not only a metric for performance tracking but also a little step taken by every individual towards achieving the bigger business goal of the organization.
Link It with A Game
“All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.” And you don’t want a Jack in your team. Everyone loves to play games. Imagine what delight it would bring to the table if work had play involved! You can include picking up chits, playing music, doing small victory dances, guessing things and anything else that lightens the mood.
Make a Contest Out Of It
Winning is both a craving and an addiction. You place a prey in front of a sleeping animal and see the energy it jumps up with to catch its food. Quite likewise, just introduce little competitions in the work module and see the wonders it can do.
Give Them a Breather
Keep short breaks as an option at frequent intervals. Or divide the work into parts and after achievement tasks in each part, allow tea/ snacks time or just a walk to refresh the mind. This practice helps to improve efficiency, big time!
Shout Out On the Spot
Employees work for wages, but rewards and appreciation drives them! If not everyday, you can acknowledge the pettiest of achievements with minor rewards, shout out from the workstation or atleast claps from everyone on the floor.
Frequent Appraisal Reminders
It is not really a fun way, but definitely an effective one! Employees eagerly wait for that time of the year. So, to stop their flames from dimming, you have to keep reminding them of the approaching appraisals and having understood what is KRA, they will gear up to perform better no matter what!
Influence Them with Visuals
This is an innovative one! Keeping motivational quotes and sayings secondary, you can prepare a performance chart or board and update it time-to-time with the achievers’ names on it. Seeing their names up on the wall will motivate them and get the work done in no time.