Home General tips Keeping the Kids Amused on Long Car Journeys

Keeping the Kids Amused on Long Car Journeys

by Soft2share.com

With the holidays coming up, many families will no doubt be thinking about visiting relatives or simply treating the kids to an end of semester vacation. If you are planning either of these, make sure you’re prepared for the long journey with plenty of in-car games and activities to keep the children amused (and most of all, quiet!) on your travels.


For babies and toddlers

For your young children aged nine months and upwards, make sure they are never without their favourite cuddly toy or similar object of attachment. A familiar toy or security blanket is a great source of comfort to them, especially if it smells like mom so make sure you don’t leave the house without it!

Unfortunately, younger kids will become irritable after a while and they may need another form of distraction. But don’t worry, because there are a few cheap solutions that can work a treat with babies and young toddlers. Electronic toys and learning tablets like Vetch’s Baby Laptop are a great way to keep them occupied and with hours of game play and puzzles at their fingertips, they are great value for money. Toys that make young children feel involved are a great choice on car journeys too, particularly the Baby Learn and Go Driver by Vtech which aids their motor skills and sensory development through colours and textures.

For older kids and teens

Older kids and teenagers may seem harder to please on long car journeys but they can be tamed just as easily with the right gadgets. Your older children may be hooked by a current TV show or film for instance and if his is the case, it may be worth investing in a portable DVD or TV player. These are fairly inexpensive when compared with modern tablet PC’s on the market and often boast a longer battery life than more up to date gadgets. Similarly a cheap games console such as a DS or a Sony PSP is a smart and cost-effective choice since they can provide hours of entertainment, apps, games and web browsing in one bundle.

Travelling long distances by car can prove challenging at the best of times, even worse when your vehicle can’t fully accommodate your needs. Fortunately, a service such as Allied Mobility recognises the need for easy access vehicles when it comes to wheelchair and disability needs. If you are travelling with a disabled person, Allied Mobility has a wide range of disability cars for rent and sale to ensure you can find the vehicle to suit you.

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