If you are a book author, you must know that an EBook is a faster mode than the traditional print method to make your book reach the masses. However, just making a PDF version of a book isn’t a ticket to success. Many have a wrong notion that an EBook doesn’t need to be marketed since it is already on the web. In fact, you need to market your EBook as aggressively as you would do to a physical copy even though success is met earlier in the former than in the latter case.
You may choose an aggressive or a strategic EBook marketing strategy depending on your goals and target audience. If you wish to garner success at a quick rate, you must choose a strategy and methods of EBook marketing that benefit the publishers too. This will open up avenues for future marketing for new books and ensure continued success.
Enchanting Cover Page –
The cover page is the first thing that a person will read. And if that seems drab, you lose your chances of turning a visitor into a buyer. For an attractive cover page, make sure you write a catchy title and incorporate interesting graphics.
Give Away for Free –
One way to grab publicity and increase EBook readers is to give away your books for free especially to those who are the hotspots of online marketing. You may propose an offer where you give away free e-copies of your book to those who write Amazon reviews for you. Offers of any kind generate interest, and gifts or freebies are a nice incentive.
Blogging –
Guest posts are a great way to build public interest in your book. Merely writing a book and publishing it won’t make people believe in you as an author. When you have many other contributions in the form of blogs, peer reviews, etc, they lay greater trust on you. A sudden popping up with an EBook in tow will make people wonder and doubt your capabilities. It won’t be wrong to say that ‘Quantity affects one’s perception of quality’. By way of guest posts, you help the bloggers too who publish them. If you are successful, they will benefit in terms of increased traffic to their blogging site.
Multiple Publishing Channels –
Don’t restrain your EBook to a few EBook sites; expand your network so that you get a wide and if possible global exposure. Publish your EBook on as many domestic and online global publishers as possible.
Lower the EBook Price – If you have published an EBook some time back but still haven’t seen a soul order it, it could be due to the price. If you have set it a bit high, lower the price to enable the first few sales. Don’t be miserly; you won’t get a single copy sold if it is very highly priced. Be generous in the first phase of EBook marketing, and you will soon find buyers being kind to you. You can recover your losses later.
Search-friendly –
If your eBook is discoverable on the internet only after rigorous searching and scanning of pages, this will act as a turn-off. Publishing your eBook on online databases like Pub Match that enable the author to search an easy and organized activity.